Chapter 9: Found

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Chapter 9: Found

Warning: spoilers for Agents of SHIELD season 2 up ahead. If you don't want spoilers, don't read. Proceed if you don't care.

Kristen was awoken to the sound of banging. It sounded to a vaguely awake Kristen like fists pounding on a door. As she awoke more, she could hear muffled shouts and the sound of Tony cursing loudly.

There was a crashing, and, immediately, shouts. Someone had banged in the door.

"No, no!" she heard Tony crying. "Don't take her away! Please! She needs me!"

"Where is she?!" demanded a voice.

Kristen froze. The men. The men from the hospital. It had to be. They were back to take her to The Man. She couldn't go back.

Kristen hastily climbed out of her bed, made the covers as best as she could so no one would know she was in there, and did the first thing that came to mind- she crawled underneath the bed. It was dark, and she felt as though she were going to suffocate, though she wasn't sure if it was because she was afraid for her life or not.

"I'm not telling you where she is!" yelled Tony. "I won't let you have her! I know what you're going to do and I won't have it!"

She could hear strange voices yelling at Tony, and familiar voices, other than Tony's, arguing with someone. The sound of running men caught her attention, and she sucked in her breath as she heard the doorknob to her room rattling.

The door creaked open. As Kristen cowered under the bed, barely daring to breath, the man clomped around the room.

"What is this?" she heard him mutter. She heard him pick something up, and the sound of turning pages. Her blood instantly went cold.

Her notebook.

Suddenly, the blanket was jerked up. Light flooded into Kristen's hiding place, exposing her pale face.

It happened too fast. The man reached out and had grabbed Kristen's hair and dragged her out from underneath the bed before she could react. She screamed in pain and fear as the man tried to grab her. Instead, she kicked and screamed. She was grabbed by the arm, and pulled forward, kicking and screaming as hard as she could.

"Tony!" she screamed as the man headed towards the door. "TONY! TONY! HELP ME!"

The stranger clapped a hand over her mouth, muffling her screams. She did the only thing she could do. She bit the man. HARD. He promptly howled in pain, and Kristen felt the grip on her loosen. Taking her chance, Kristen kicked the man and felt herself being let go. She immediately ran towards the living room, where she could see Tony.

"TONY!" she yelled, running towards him. She didn't get far before she felt someone grabbing her from behind, around the waist.

"Leave her alone!" yelled Tony, trying to lunge at the girl, but two men grabbed Tony and restrained him. He struggled a bit, yelling angrily at the men.

Kristen also lunged forward, trying to break free and get to Tony. When she was unsuccessful, she brought up a leg and kneed her captor in the gut. He let go, grunting with pain, and Kristen ran straight to Tony, who caught her in his arms. He held the girl close as she finally let out a sob.

"Give us the girl," said a vaguely familiar voice.

"No!" cried Tony, holding the girl closely and turning away.

"You took her from SHIELD and we need her back," said the vaguely familiar voice. "You can't expect us to let you two get away. Give her to us."

"NO!" yelled Tony, holding onto her tightly. "She's just a little girl! She doesn't need this! Just let her be! Please!"

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