Chapter 7: Introductions

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Chapter 7: Introductions

Big surprise for y'all... You'll figure it out later! Lots of love! Enjoy!

Kristen was jerked out of a peaceful sleep when the car was parked with a lurch.

"Who gave Cap a license?" muttered Kristen as she rubbed her eyes.

"I could drive back in the '40s," muttered Steve.

"Well, ya can't now, Cap," frowned Kristen as she stretched as best as she could. "Ugh. I hate this cast. I hate it."

"What did that cast ever do to you?" asked Tony, finally saying something.

"Prohibit my walking."

"True." Tony got out of the car and helped Kristen out. Taking a deep breath, she followed Tony inside.

It was quite the ensemble. A brown haired girl was talking quietly with a light haired boy. Kristen observed Romanoff talking to a man, while an African American man talked animatedly with another African American man. A rather large and muscular blond man wearing armor was awkwardly sitting on a couch, almost taking it up. Next to him, looking rather squished, was- Kristen could not believe it- a purple man.

It was the muscular man that noticed them first. "Man of Iron! Captain America! So good to see you! And who is this little Midgardian girl?" he asked, his voice booming. Kristen tried covering her ears as best as she could.

Immediately, eight pairs of eyes landed on Kristen.

"Who is she?" asked the man next to Romanoff.

"The important question is why she's here," frowned Romanoff, standing up. "Stark, I was surprised you called us here, but I didn't expect you to bring her. Why is she here? She's supposed to be on the Bus with Coulson and his team."

"I couldn't leave her there," said Tony. "Natasha, they were going to put her on the index. I won't have SHIELD watching her like she's a dangerous animal! She's just a kid!"

"She was on SHIELD's radar, Tony, and you know why! They are putting her on the index for a reason- one I assume you are well aware of! I know Coulson has showed you the videos!"

"I have, but I won't let them do this to her Romanoff! Banner has told me what it was like-"

"Don't bring Bruce into his!" said Romanoff fiercely.

"I'm not trying to hit you where it hurts! I'm just saying, I don't want her to go through what he went through! She has enough going on as it is, and you know very well what I mean by that!"

"I DO know what you mean, but getting her on the index will HELP her-"

"No it won't!"

"Stop it!" cried Kristen.

Tony, breathing heavily, turned to Kristen. "Kristen, I'm sorry, I-"

"Stop arguing!" she said. "You're scaring me."

Tony sighed and went over to the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry. I never meant to. You know that."

The occupants of the room stared in surprise at the way Tony acted towards the girl. It was with such sincerity and kindness and care. It surprised the others, except for Steve and Natasha, to no end.

"Shall I show you to an extra bedroom, child?" asked a kind, calm voice. It was the purple man. Kristen gulped in response. "I know," chuckled the purple man. "My appearance rather startles you."

"Tony said you don't bite," whispered Kristen.

"He was correct. Come."

He held out a hand to Kristen. Very hesitantly, she put her own tiny hand in his big one and allowed herself to be led away by the man.

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