Chapter 20: Rescue

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Chapter 20: Rescue

So, BIB was a little over 800 reads (SQUEE!) AND there's a Marvel fanfic contest going on. Super excited, hoping to get something... So enjoy this update! It's long and good!

(Contest info: )

Whitmore led Sam, Tony, and the agents to a room. He pulled out his keys and began to slowly shift through them.

"Stop stalling!" demanded Tony.

"I'm an old man," scowled Whitmore. "Old men are slow."

"Well Cap isn't slow, but he sure is old," said Sam.

Tony glared at him. He was not sure if this remark was meant to be humorous and to lighten the mood or if it had just slipped from Sam's mouth. Nonetheless, he was not amused, something which Sam could very obviously see. He went quiet and continued to watch Whitmore sort through the keys.

Whitmore finally inserted the key and unlocked it.

"Going digital would've been so much easier," mumbled Tony.

"Well," frowned Whitmore, "the building came like this- with doors and locks. To go digital would cost money- money we could use for research. The doors are fine the way they are, no sense in changing them."

"Yeah, well Tony can upgrade it for ya," joked Sam.

Tony glared at him again. "I'm trying to lighten the mood!" defended Sam.

"Shut up," demanded Tony. Sam took the man's advice, wiping the smile off of his face as an afterthought.

Whitmore led the group into the room. There was plenty of lab equipment and other things one would find in a laboratory. Each station was neatly organized, but none of the stations had stacks of notes on them.

"Where is the research? The documents?" demanded Tony.

"THIS is where I do my research," said the man, pointing to the nearest station. It was empty.

"You tricked us!" yelled Tony. "You tricked us! Show us the research you have done- show us the documents!"

"I can't do that."

"AND WHY NOT?!" Tony was inches from the man's face, beet red and angry.

"Tony, we need him alive," said Sam calmly.

Tony pulled away from the man.

"Now, why can't you tell us where the documents and research are?"

"Because it is in Malarkey's office, which I do not know where it is, locked away".

"I don't believe you," whispered Tony dangerously. "You have 20 seconds to tell us or we are going to lock you away and make your life a hell."

Whitmore looked Tony squarely in the eye. "I do not know where the office is. He keeps all the documents in there. I am sorry I cannot be of help."

"To hell you aren't!" spat Tony. He grabbed the man and shoved him towards a guard. "Go take him to the containment unit," he ordered. Whitmore was handcuffed and led out of the room.

"Why don't we try to look for Malarkey? Or Kristen?" suggested Sam.

"But we don't know where to look!" stressed Tony.

"Well, we'll check in with the others and see how they're doing."

Just then, a message came in on the coms. "This is Agent Hunter," the voice said. "I found the oldest, Ingraham. She's was in room 172. Believes the other girl is nearby. Send agents over here. Getting Ingraham to medical."

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