Chapter 6: Escape

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Chapter 6: Escape

"If you want to know the truth, you must have the courage to accept it."-Unknown

"What can't you show me?!" demanded Kristen.

Skye sighed and slowly opened her laptop.

"Skye," said Coulson in a dangerous tone. She ignored Coulson, typing away. Sighing, she turned around the laptop.

"Here," she whispered.

It was security footage dated almost 4 moths ago. There seemed to be someone lying in the road, and people around her. As a van pulled up (Kristen could barely make out the SHIELD symbol), a man got out, and the people scattered. The agent was confronted by someone, and they proceeded to argue.

The strange man pulled out something and threw it at the SHIELD agent. Gas poured out and the man crumbled. The little girl in the road was then picked up and put in a car. More agents emerged, but they were knocked out, and the car speeds away.

"This is what happened in New Orleans," sighed Skye. "We didn't want to show you because we knew you'd be upset, that we were... Well, watching you. The little droid that caught this, he didn't get a good enough look at the man that took you for us to run facial recognition. We knew that would upset you- just the very existence of this, we were afraid, would upset you."

"That's all you were hiding?" asked Kristen. She looked at Coulson, then Skye, who had shut the laptop. "I thought you were hiding something big, like, something about my past. I don't get why you were so nervous."

Coulson's eyes filled with realization. She had only heard the end of the conversation. About Bahrain and not letting her know, and how Coulson trusted Skye to help. Nothing else.

"Kristen!" cried a voice. Kristen turned around to see Tony. "There you are! Hey, it's late, you should get some sleep! Ah, talking with Phil, are we? And, Skye, is it? Nice to see you again."

Kristen could tell that Skye wanted so badly to mouth him off, but because she was around, she was holding back.

"Take her to bed, Stark," muttered Skye.

"I don't think you want me around," muttered Kristen.

"No, I don't want him around. Big difference."

Kristen laughed. "Trust me, he isn't as creepy as he seems. He brings me cherries!"

"I've been told," laughed Skye.

Kristen followed Tony out into the hall, and let out a big yawn. "Somebody sounds sleepy," teased Tony. "Are you ready for bed?"

"No," mumbled Kristen. "Tomorrow this agent lady is making me talk to someone so they can see how I'm doing "mentally" so they can put me on their stupid index."

"What?" asked Tony, stopping abruptly. "They're putting you on their index?!"

"I know! Ridiculous! Apparently all I can do is beat people up, and I don't even remember how to do that, so why bother? Waste of time, really."

"Kristen, I'm trusting you to get to the medical room and go to sleep. I have to go talk to Coulson."

"OK," said Kristen, concerned. "Tony, don't kill him, OK?"

"No promises," muttered Tony.


"There you are!" cried a man in a Scottish accent as Kristen showed up at the medical room. "Agent Hyde was nearly going mad when she saw you gone! She was about to make me go check the security cameras for you. Thought she'd wring my neck!"

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