My Man. 1

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"Look at me naa."

"Just a moment babe." his fingers were typing fastly as he was sitting on the chair back facing the bed where his sexy husband was lying waiting for him to get free.


"Hold on Babe. Just five more minutes."

"You know. Its the fourth time you are saying this." he was sulking now.

"Am so sorry Hon. Just finishing the report."  he replied without turning back.

"You know i cant sleep without you."

"Babe. Why dont you come here..." Mew turned a bit and opened his arm.

"Where?" Pha sat up looking at him.

"In my Lap. Come." He patted to his lap. And Pha stood up. Sounds good.

It was late at night and Mew had to finish a report on urgent basis. And he would have finished it earlier, but thanks to his Doctor Husband who wanted to spend his LONG AWAITED WEEKENED with him starting this noon... 

Though he invited him for once... But.. You cant stop at once with Mew. So here he was now. As finally he was able to leave the bed at 8 in night. 

Pha walked to him and sat on his lap back facing the table. Placing his chin on his bare shoulders. 

The direct intact of their bare chest was hot although the room was chilled.

They were just wearing shorts. And when i say JUST SHORTS it means... JUST SHORTS.

Mew adjusted him a bit as he spare his arms fully to complete the report.

"Pha...." he stopped typing frustratingly.

"Whaaa Baby?" He innocently asked.

"I cant work like this." He was pleading.

"Like what??" even his pleads didnt effect Phana who was seducing him. 


Yes.. Again.

"Arent you tired huh?" Mew held him at his waist to pull him face to face.

"Well i am hell tired. Look my muscles are sooo stiff and sore. Make me relax naaaa." Pha bit his lips as he stretched his arms arching his back to the table. 

"Seriously Pha. Even after four rounds." Mew smiled this time. And Pha's eyes shone. He won it again..

Well. Not his fault though. He got three days off after two weeks of painfull schedule. They could only meet at Morning and Night Kisses as Mew was busy with his project too. 


Ohh. Forgot to introduce.


The Hot man working on the laptop is the joint CEO of business collaborated with the Jaturapooms. He is MEW SUPPASSIT. 

And the Doctor. Well. Neuro Surgeon. Dr. PHANA KONGTHANIN is his Husband.

And they were Married for three years. 

The other parter of Mew was FORTH JATURAPOOM married to his long love BEAM BARAMEE. 

And they were friends since high school. Same college. Same university. Just different faculties.

Mew and Forth were Engineering Phd's.

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