Hacker's Way Out - Part 4

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Trust me this is the end.


"Wait. . at NIGHT!?" Aishi slammed her fist on Nexus' seat, startling him. "You just decided this right now?!"

"We can examine the exterior of the building for now, then at night we can strike." Erwin then heard a loud, annoyed moan from the backseat.

"Sure! That won't be suspicious of us at all!" She aggravatingly flopped back in the trunk, crossing her arms and facing Levi. Her combat boots with heels poked Levi, it made him eye-roll as well. The humming of the engine embedded in their brain because of how silent it was. A left turn, then straight, then right, then straight, then left again. . it felt like it was just one big pattern. She guessed it made sense why this mission was so miserable half the time she thought about it. Shouldn't it be stealthy? Erwin made a turn into a garage, though it appeared off. It seemed discrete, a little conflicting. There were a few cars parked in there, but the more they crossed levels, the more the environment smelled musky and heavy, and less cars seemed to appear. It was the third floor, and Erwin stopped in front of a toll booth with a car barrier so the vehicle wouldn't proceed any further. He switched off the engine, and sat back in his chair.

"Hange?" He questioned, and her head bounced. She knew what she needed to pursue, so from her bag she pulled out a strange device. Hange rolled down her window, zapping the Cadillac with its rod which miraculously lifted the barrier.

"What did she do?" Nexus said with a tone of uncertainty.

"Turn the vehicle invisible. This garage belongs to Halcyon. It is a worldwide company." He parked closest to the toll booth so it would be an easy escape.

"What time is it, Levi?" Aishi asked, her stubborn expression still stern. She watched him peacefully roll the cuff of his sleeve up, staring at his watch that was strapped around the bottom of his wrist. "Three." He finally said.

"Damn. . it." Aishi loomed at the window of the trunk, tracking each pedestrian with her mundane eyes. Bored, bored, bored. She laid her head on her arm, heaving her forced exhales onto the window to draw little figures of people dying, or simple details and designs of daggers she favored with the varieties of sharp tips. "Can we go and scan the building now? Where even is it?" Her head snapped around to look for a building that seemed suspicious, but the window had a certain limit that could only survey the city by much.


"Three. ." He stared at his watch. "Everyone in position?" He asked, the Sun setting down after he said 'one'.

"Finally. .'' Aishi clipped on her metal mask, busting inside the building from behind. The building was a skyscraper, reaching the internal rays of the transmission rods. She didn't like how it planned out, the blueprint either was lying, or was just a better replica of the building. She placed her headphones over her ears, blasting music to calm her pounding heart and Erwin disgustingly listening to every upbeat tune by the earbuds. Hange was on her way to kill the power, and Levi was with Nexus, sneaking down to the basement to earn a million dollars that they were prepared to just stash in their pockets. Using her suppressed silencer, Aishi killed or knocked out every enemy she saw, crouching cautiously up every stair until she made it up to the fourth floor. The air was tense. It was chilly and windy, but she managed to sweat while hearing her hot breath pollute her mask. She put her foot down on the platform that reached the fourth floor, though she noticed something off. Aishi reloaded her silencer, grazing her fingers past three newly filled magazines clipped to her belt.

"I powered down the windows! Now if you break them, it'll just make a crash, just not so loud." Hange said into the mic with pure glee.

"There's another power box." Aishi mentioned, her voice low. "It may have shut down the alarms, but I'm surrounded by lasers."

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