Once A Kid's Mission - Pt 4

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"I guess. . we can try." Erwin sighed. "Do we know where the Capitol is?"

"We can take a carriage." Aishi insisted.

"If they don't want to drive us there. ." Levi unsheathed a kitchen knife. "I got it covered."

"Are you really going to provoke them?" Erwin's eyes widened.

"It's a way to get back where we need to be." Levi slipped it back inside the cover.

"Right. . threatening people is the way to go!" Aishi said in a cheerful tone, whether or not it was sarcastic or real enough for herself to believe it. They lingered in the shaded corner for a creaky carriage to come on by and stay still. Once Erwin had spotted one, Levi instantly took his place to hop inside and prod the person who took the driver's seat. The Sun still shone its rays, and the pedestrians were dumb enough not to search the carriage for any means necessary. Levi gave a thumbs-up, and Erwin and Aishi jumped inside. The driver appeared drenched in sweat, his lips quivering while his hands took hold of the reins for the two horses that pulled the carriage.

"The Capitol." Erwin demanded, though his squeaky voice wasn't intimidating enough, they were off. "After this, we just need to sneak in."

"I'm good with that," Aishi smirked. "I've been sneaking into things since I was little. Well," She glanced at her body, her shoulders shrugging. "Let's see if my 27-year-old mind still remembers." The carriage led to an abrupt stop with the nervous driver stating, 'We're here'. The three of them hopped out from the other side to conceal themselves from the soldiers then sprinted around the large wall where there were rarely any soldiers. They stayed low, Aishi lending out a hand to Levi. "You have the knife?"

Levi pulled it out from its sheath and then gave it to her by the handle. Aishi, on the other hand, used the knife to jab it into the wall then boost her legs to grip onto the cement wall and continue climbing that way. Once she made it to the top, she dropped the knife, instructing Erwin and Levi to proceed with the same motive. Aishi dropped down from the ledge, somehow her body being fragile enough, she, fortunately, made the drop with her stubby legs. She leaned against the wall just in case some soldiers stroll by. From the corner of her eyes, Levi rose his small body just above the wall, plopping down next to her. Then last was Erwin, who was slightly struggling. "Okay, stay low," Aishi whispered as they walked upon a basement.

"What's that?" Erwin pointed.

"Has this been here?" She knelt, dusting the trapdoor. She looked back at the two, assuming that one of them would answer.

"I'm not sure." Erwin finally responded, bending down and looking at the wooden door that was embedded into the pebble floor. "Can it be opened?" He slipped his fingers under the visible handle that popped up then strained his small arms to open it, but it won't budge. He diverted his focus to Levi and Aishi, who were ignorantly watching him do the tugging. He released a stern sigh, shutting his eyes to calm himself down, like thinking about the fine breeze on a sunny morning. He reopened his eyes, still staring at the two who were in their iced stance. "Can you two... help me?" He mused.

"Oh." Aishi and Levi glanced at each other. "We supposed you were strong enough."

"Aishi. ." He clenched his teeth. "Do I look strong enough to you?" He emphasized greatly on each word, demonetizing Aishi in a way to make her feel stupid.

"Um, no?" She concurred.

"Then please! Help me!" Even though they were only twelve, Erwin was demanding as always. The two came to assist, swooping their hands under the handle then pulling it in unison which easily popped the trapdoor open like a cork in a wine bottle. The abrupt act shoved them back on their asses, leaving them in stinging pain for a while.

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