first race?

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As we pulled into the parking lot I turned to Miles and handed him his wallet from my bag. I had taken it out a few moments ago. "Thanks boo now let's go!" Miles says as he takes his wallet from my hand and jumps out the car in a hurry. "Ok ok wait for me hoe"I say laughing as I get of of the car. Miles Locke's the doors behind us as we walk awayy and we walk up to the entrance. "How much is it to get in?" Miles says to the guy standing guard in front of the gate. "35$ each" he says. " Ok!" He says as he pulls out $70 and hands it to the man. He could the money then steps aside and opens the gate lettt us pass by him. We that k him and walk in. As we walk into the crowd we hold hands and try not to get separated as there were a lot of people. "Ok it starts in like 5 minutes let's go find some good places to watch the race." Miles says with excitement in his voice. I nod my head and give him a half smile.

I have really bad PTSD and anxiety so large and/ or loud crowds make me anxious and nauseous. "It's ok girl I got you you'll be ok" he says looking at me. I nod my head and he drags my up to the front of the bars that separated the people and the racers. I look at all the cars and admired them. I've loved cars and things like this since I was 5 and I ways wanted to ride in a race car as it was going down the road. The rush i felt it would give me always exited me what if this was my chance?

'don't be stupid Gigi.' I thought to my self as I was pulled from my thoughts by loud screaming. I looked around to see what everyone was yelling at but I couldn't see anything. And then it hit me. A gang walked out Infront of 2 other gangs. Most of the gang members had hot chicks by here side but one. He was tall with dark cloths, hair, and makeup. He had a nose ring, two lip rings, and a piercing above his eyebrows. I saw him look my way as he was waving his hand at the screaming crowd of girls. I froze when he turned his body towards me and motiond with his hand for me to walk over to him. I was confused and looked around then back at him. I pointed to myself with a confused and questioning looks on my face and I saw his laugh and nod his head then saw his mouth something. "Come here " I could read lips. "Yes you. Come here" is what he mouthed, or I assumed he did until I saw a boy with cornroles look at him and say something.

I was snapped from my daze by mikes yelling over everyone else. "Girl this is your changed and he's kinda hot. Go for It and dont be nervous you got this!" He said and he helped me over the bar "your right. I got this." I said with a smile and walked away hoping I was making the right choice. As I got closer to the men I hurd both men talking. As the one with black makeup noticed me walking towards him. He walked up to me and introduced himself to me. "My name is Bll" he said in a thick German accent.

God this man was hotter up close.

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