first punishment

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I do apologize this chapter is gonna be extra long I'm so sorry 😔 I started writing and couldn't stop😭


As I looked at Bill my fight or flight instincts kicked in. I tore my face from his hands and took a few steps back. "Injuring a new actress is pretty low Bill." I spat at him with angry in my voice. He just looked at me with a confused look. "What are you talking about.?" He asked now looking at me as if I had droken something expensive. " I'm a starting actress, I'm starting as the lead role in a new horror film. Today is the first day of filming. Which means I'm gonna have people calling me left and right if I don't get to the studio in time."

I looked at him and I could see he was getting more aggravated. He grabbed my face once more and looked at me. "Then I guess I'll have to punish you when you get back. "He said holding up his keys he had grabbed from his pocket. "Get in the car.. Which studio is it" he said Sternly. I rolled my eyes but followed him outside and got in the car. "The one on 245 LikeLean avenue." I said. "I need a change of cloths and a quick shower.

I said not making eye contact. "What's your address." Bill responded pulling out of the driveway. "1020 Cherry rode safter drive." I said. I didn't like the idea of Bill knowing where I lived but I had no choice I knew he wouldn't leave my side knowing I'd try and get away from him while I was working. We soon pulled into my driveway and he turned the car off. " 10 minutes, if your not out in time I'm going in and getting you. " He said, and I could still hear a hint of aggression In his voice.

I didn't respond and just got out of the car and walked inside, slamming the door behind me. I quickly ran upstairs and dumped out my bag on my bed. I plugged my phone up to the charger and grabbed a bigger back pack throwing some jeans, shirts and other clothing into it. I looked at the time and closed the bag. "8 minutes.." I grabbed a black leather bress that ties on the side as it was what I was supposed to wear for the opening scene of the movie.

I grabbed a bra, and underwear and ran to the bathroom, I quickly took a shower, got dressed and walked back out of the bathroom and checked the clock on my wall. "3 minutes." I said as I walked to my nightstand taking my phone from it's charged and hooking it up to my charger box. "20%.." I said as I set it down and put my makeup in my small bag and closed it. "I'll just have to do it in the car." I said to myself. I grabbed my bags and my house key tossing it in my bag little. I walked out of the house and walked back to the car.

"I almost thought I was gonna have to come in and get you...what are you wearing Gigi and why..?" He said noticing my outfit. I clicked my seat belt and grabbed my eyeshadow and a brush then without looking at him I responded while I looked into the little mirror in the sun visor. "My dress. I'm supposed to wear this for the opening scene to the movie. I have to do my makeup and you didn't give me the time to do it inside so I have to do it in here. And the other bag before you say anything is a few changes of clothes." I looked over at him and saw his jaw open.

"Don't be a smartass." He said as he started the car. I just smirked to myself and began doing my makeup. 30 mins later we pulled into the parking lot of the studio and I put my makeup away. "6 1/2 hours I'll be in there. Don't wait up." I said getting out of the car, taking my phone with me, and closing the car door before Bill could say anything. I quickly ran inside and began to work.

(I'm not gonna explain her work😭)

I walked out and walked to the car. Bill was on his phone, he looked up when he noticed me walking towards him and I could see his expression change. "Fuck" I mouth to myself as I see him step out of his car. "Why the fuck are you soaking? Your gonna fuck up my leather seats!" He says angerly. "It was for a scene, I had to dive Into water so the pourd water all over me to make it look like I really did chill out. Your fucking lucky tho. They said the bandages I have on added to the effect and they didn't make me remove them." I said spitefully. "And I'll fix your stupid fucking leather seats when we are back at your house." I said and got in.

He climbed into the drivers seat and I turned to him. I was gonna apologize for the way I spoke but I was met with a hard sting of him slapping my face. "Don't you ever fucking talk to me like that again. I'll deal with this at home." He said and he turned the car on and sped out of the parking lot. I could see his knuckles turn white as he gripped the steading wheel. I was afraid of what he was gonna do to me.

As we pulled into the drive way I quickly got out of the car and ran inside, I slid my way thru the house as I was soaked and sharply turned into the bathroom slamming the door and locking it. I stripped myself of my clothes and quickly dried myself off, I put on shirts and my black oversized hoodie. I walked out the door looking down at all the things I was holding in my arms trying to make sure I had grabbed everything when I was suddenly grabbed by my hair.

"BIll!!! LET GO THAT HURTS!!!" I yelped in pain. I held on tighter to my cloths as I was dragged off to my room by Bill. "You think you can speak to me the way you did and get away with it? Huh?!" He said anger plastered acresss his face. He threw me and I hit the floor scattering all my cloths. I looked up at him with tears streaming down my face. "I..I didn't..I just-" I was cut off by a hand across my face again. "Shut the fuck up, you don't get to speak to me like that without consequence's" he said and he kicked me in my abdomen. I screamed out in pain and he knelt down,grabbing a handful of my hair.

"Please stop..." Was all I could say in a plea hoping it would help. I knew it wouldn't. "No." He said and I saw a fist come strat to my face. As I screamed in pain, I felt him continue to throw punches at me, he picked me up and thru me at the wall making me colaps to the ground. He once again grabbed a fit fill of my hair and threw a few punches to my stomach before my vision began to blur.

He let me go and I collapsed to the ground. I could see he was satisfied with the damage me had caused. I could feel blood dribble down my face and nose but I could tell where it was coming from. I looked up to see Tom standing over me a look on his face i couldn't recognize as he knelt down to me,saying something, but everything faded to black.

Is it even possible to escape from this hell?...

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