don't test my patience

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"Fine..." I say to him with a hint of hatred still in my throat. He expects me to just forgive him? After all shit he's put me thru? No fucking way. He's just trying to play with me I'm sure of it. "Thank you." He said excitement in his voice. "Mm" I hummed in response. "I'll...let you rest." I could hear him say with agitation in his voice as if he was wanting a different answer then I gave him.

"Ok.." ok said and rolled over, my back facing him. I decided I was going to test him. To see if he really means what he said. Me acting cold towards him shouldn't be any kind of shock to him as he's the reason all of this has happened to begin with. He walks out of the room and I lay there waiting for the door to close. Once I'm sure Bill is gone I turn over to face the door and drift off to sleep.

After a few hours I wake up to the sound of screaming, I sigh deeply and turn over and look out the window next to the bed. 'its...dark?' I question in my head. I move the blankets off me and get out of bed. My head begins to pound and I nearly fall over but I cat h myself before I do with the bed frame. I take a minute to calm myself down and pull myself together together. After a few minutes I walk to the door and open it. 'they're still fucking screaming at each other..' i tell myself and make my way down the stairs.

(Please just pretend the bold is in German I don't have the motivation to translate it again😭😭)

As I made my way to the bottom of the stairs I stopped short just behind the wall so they couldn't see me. I had been taking German lessons since I was 6 so I knew what they were saying. "YES BUT WHY DID YOU FUCKING DEFEND HER LIKE THAT?! you don't do that kind of thing. Why the sudden change pluse you know I was within my right. She's mine Tom. I'll do what I want with her. . ." I could see Bill and Tom arguing again..over me??. I stayed hidden as I watched them yell at each other. "Because it's time your happy Bill. I know how much you suffer not having anyone like I do. Like Georg and Gustav do. I'm only trying to help you. If you keep treating her this way she'll never want to be with you. I'm telling you Bill, please just trust me. The rest of us had to learn this the hard way. . ."

"Well then what the fuck do I do then.....she hates me already so how am I supposed to fix it huh? I don't know what I'm doing Tom, you know I've never felt like this before it's all so new to me.." Bill said pain ringing in his voice. 'Bill....loves me?' I thought to myself. I couldn't bare to listen anymore so I quitly went up the stairs and made a noice letting them know I was coming down. They immediately stopped yelling. I painfully walked down the steps again and made I to the last step where Bill ran over and held his hand out to me.

"Thanks" I said and took his hand. He helped me over to the barstool where I sat down carefully. "Do you need anything?" Bill asked, I could clearly here how desperate he sounded. "Water." I said keeping me head down. I still didn't know how to trust him. I e been here 3 months and he still hasn't given me a reason to trust him. He nodded his head and got me a glass of water, gently settot down in front of me. I thanked him and gave him a slight smile. This was the beging of something I wasn't expecting. Things went off like this for a few months, I actually started to believe he has a change of heart, that maybe he had recognized what he did to me.

For the next 3 months I slowly began to get more comfortable with Bill, letting him hug me and give me small kisses on the cheek or on my head, letting him hold me and cuddle me became easier, but after a while I noticed how aggravated he began to get when I backed away from him. I was making sure I never really let my guard down, that I could always run if I needed to.

"Gigi?, Can we cuddle tonight?" I could hear Bill ask from behind me as I sat at the take looking at the new girl, Emily, she was Georg's girl. I took a moment and stood up. Knowing that my answer would anger him I walked away. "Not tonight Bill. I don't feel like cuddling...." I said as I continued to make my way to my room. I Hurd footsteps behind me and I quickly ran.

I slammed the door shut panting heaver, I knew this wasn't gonna last. Isabk to the floor tears enveloping means I huddle into a corner, the door soon slys open and Bill caly steps in, "Gigi." He growled at me his voice low and husky, filled with his thick German accent. "Your testing my patience.." he says as he closed the door locking it tightly, then slowly and calmly turning to face me.

Shit. . . How can this get any worse. . .?



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