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As I began to stir awake a could feel the warmth of a body next to me. Bill. I turned over to see his sleeping face next to me he didn't have makeup on. He's so beautiful and he looks so soft when he's asleep. I gently touched his face to feel his skin. It felt soft and smooth. I admired his feminine like features in awe as I realizes how sweet he looked truly up close. I knew it wouldn't be long before he woke up. I had no idea if anyone else was around and of they would be up but I couldn't be bothers to think about it.

I slowly loved his arms away from me and gently got up from bed and grabbed my bag that was sitting on the floor. I carefully walked out the  bedroom door and cautiously closed it making sure to be EXTREAMLY quite. I rumages thru my bag and found my phone. I quickly turned it on and saw it was at 10%. "Thank God." I whispered to myself not wanting Bill to wake up from me being loud. I texted  Miles and quicklyet him know I couldn't talk but that I was "ok" and would try and be home soon. Then turned my phone to silent and put it back in my bag. I walked to the end of the hall there thee stairs were and raced down them.

I quickly tried to make my way to the door feeling like it was the best opting when I noticed  a separate dorr closer to me that also lead to the outside. "Hey! Your up! How'd you sleep?" I hurd a voice behind me and I turned around to see a tall man standing there in a black sweater, whicht jeans and chains on his side. "Umm..." I said not being about to find words. I just turned around and put on a fake smile. "I'm Tom. Bills older twin." He said and laughed a bit to himself. "Hi" was all I could say before his smile quickly faded. "You went trying to leave..were you? Bill wouldn't be happy." He said setting down the drink he was holding and stared to walk towards me. Fear was plasters across my face and I could tell he knew. "I..." Was all I could say as I backed away from him and quickly turned around and ran for the door. I didn't get far as he cought me rather quickly.

"Damn it pleat just let me go I have to get home!!" I said no feeling the panic and fear begin to mix. I felt tears start to gloss over in my eyes as he gently tossed my to the couch and sat beside me. "I can'tet you go but in the meantime, here. You need to eat." He said pushing a plate towards me. Reluctant, I took the plate and began to eat. Now not saying anything to bi as he asked me questions. The only one I answer was why I was so desperate to leave. "I'm a starting actress...I have a role in a new and upcoming horror movie and the first day of filming which is why you have to let me go." I said with haterid on my voice.

"An actress huh? Damn,Bills got good taste." He said as he laughed. I just rolled my eyes and ignored him till I hurd his phone ring. He answered it and started to speak in German, he looked at me and I knew he could tell I knew who he was talking to bc I immediately felt panic creep in. He turned to me and grabed my face getting awfully close and then said something else I couldn't understand while he locked his lips and messed with hi lip ring. Then punched my face away upon hanging up and hearing loud footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Fuck..." I whispered to myself and saw Bill walk his way down the steps.

He wasn't wearing makeup but he looked different from this morning when I had woken up. Angry. He was mad. I knew he was gonna take it out on me I just didn't want to think about what he was gonna do. "Gigi. Come." He said as he called me me like I was some kind of dog. "Excuse me? I am NOT a dog. Don't treat me like one." I said standing up in defense. "Get...your ass over here..NOW.." he growled at me in a deep German accent I could feel the anger In his voice.

"...." I stood there a moment in shock. I e never been growled at like that before. And not from someone who was at least a foot and a half taller then me. I walked over and was met with the sodden contact of  a sharp pain rush thru my body. I didn't have time to react before Bill harshly grabbed my face to force me to look at him.

I could feel the rage creep in that was mixing with my dear and panic. This wasn't gonna end good for me....


The next chapter WILL include abuse, blood, and gore. I want to try and make the chapters a bit longer like this one.
Please if you have read my living nightmare / Satan reincarnate, please skip the next chapter you won't miss anything. And PLEASE DONT COMPLAIN ABOUT THE VIOLENCE/ ABUSE / BLOOD INCLUDED IN THE NEXT CHAPTER. YOU HAVE THE CHOICE NOT TO READ THAT CHAPTER!! 😭

Obsession || Bill Kaulitz ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang