"I Knew I Should Have Warned 'Em"

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Ashlie's POV

I have a feeling I should have warned them about Nova....

Eh. Oh well. They'll find out.....

10 minutes later

Key's Pov

We walked into the supermarket. Nova has this evil look in her eye. She starts wiggling in my arms.

"Nova, what's wrong?" I ask.

"I want candy!" She exclaimed.

"I don't think your Aunt would like it if we got you candy." I say as sweetly as I can. I don't want to upset her.

The whole time we were in the store she was screaming for candy. I had to have Jonghyun take her out to the car and play with her. I finished getting everything 20 minutes later. Jonghyun get out to help me put everything in the back of the car.

Ashlie's PoV

I was finishing the dumplings with Minho's help - he came in so after Key, Jonghyun, Nova left.  It's a good thing he did cause I rarely ever make Korean food. While I finished up the dumplings, Minho stared on the rice balls.

" I need to go check on Blake, I'll be right back Minho-shi" I said to him.

"Go on, I got this. And... You call me Oppa." He replied. I smiled and nodded.

I walked down the hallway to Blake's bedroom and what I saw .....

I swear I thought I was on Hello Baby and not We Got Married...

Blake was dressed as the Hulk, Onew was dressed as Superman, Taemin was dressed as Spider-man, and Yoo Geun trying on a Caption America costume...

I cleared my throat as loud as I could. They all froze. I could not make eye contact with Onew and Taemin.

"Are you having fun buddy?" I asked Blake with a slight laugh at the end.

"Yeah!" He replied happily.

I nodded and walked back to the kitchen laughing silently.

"What?" Asked Minho.

I couldn't answer so I just pointed to Blake's bedroom door. He headed for Blake's room with me following. He froze in the doorway, I couldn't hold my laugh any longer, and Minho joined in!

A minute later we headed back to the kitchen, we barely made it when the front door burst open and a screaming Nova ran in.

I looked at Minho.

"I knew I should've warned 'em!" I whispered. It took him a second to figure out what I was talking about, but when he did, he smiled and returned to the rice cakes.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" I asked as turned to Nova.

"They didn't but me any candy!" She wailed. I picked her up and stared walking to one of the cabinets in the kitchen.

"Awe, I'm sorry sweetie. Do you want a fruit snack? I remember seeing a box of 'em while looking for food." I say trying to calm her down and it almost always works..

"Yeah!" She said. And it worked.

I put her down grabbed fruit snack out of the box and gave it to her. She opened it and sat on the floor in the living  room.

"How did you do that?" Asked a voice from behind me. I turned and found Jonghyun.

"I should have warned you about how she is the store, but when I remembered had already left. She gets like the when she's really hungry or just wants sweets. If you ever take her to the store again bring snacks, she'll be much better." I patted him on the shoulder, went to help Minho with the rest of lunch.

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