The Call

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It was the night before our wedding and I was sitting in bed reading a book. It was about 2 am when my phone rang. I froze. The only person that would call me at this hour is my Grandma. And the only reason would call me is if something happened to Her.  Jonghyun rolled over to face me, my phone must have woken him up.

"Is that your phone?" He asked sleepily.

"Yeah, sorry. I'll take it out of the room." With that being said I grabbed my phone and walked to the living room. I hit the answer button.

"Hi, Grandma. Is everything alright?" I asked her.

" Yes, Hunny everything is fine." She answered.

"How is she doing?" I asked.

"The doctors took her tube out. She's breathing on her own." She told me.

I almost broke down into tears, I was so happy.

"That's so great, Grandma. The kids and I should be visiting in about two weeks. I got to go now, Grandma. Thank you for telling me about Felicity."

"Who's Felicity?"

I turn around to see Jonghyun.

"Okay, bye Grandma. I love you." I hang up with my Grandma.

" When I told you about what happened to my family, I didn't tell you everything." I say to him.

"Okay, do you want to tell me everything now?" He asked.

"When my sister Leslie died she was 8 months pregnant. The doctors couldn't save my sister but they did save her baby. But she wasn't breathing on her own so she had a tube put in. She hasn't opened her eyes though. She's been in a coma." I explained.  I couldn't look at him, I just looked down at my feet.

Next thing I know his strong arms are wrapped around me. I return the hug.

"The doctors took the tube out and she's breathing on her own. That's what my Grandmother called to tell me." I tell him.

He kisses the top of my head.

"That's great. Let's go to bed, we have a very big day tomorrow." He said. I nod and he leads the way to our bedroom.


The next update will be longer. I promise!  

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