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It has been about 3 months since We Got Married ended for me. The producers are doing the get together with all the couples from the show and have asked me to come with the kids and the rest of the SHINee members not to mention Sodam.

Sodam has been staying with me since the birth. She's great, he helps with the kids a lot. I couldn't have done all this by myself - Jongie was right about that.

I guess you want to know what Sodam named our - Jongie, Sodam and I's - kids right?

Well our son was born first and I named him after his Father. And the girls Sodam named Sora Kim and Jin-Ri Kim. They were named after some of his close girl friend, and in memory of another.

Our life hasn't been the same, that doesn't we should stop living it though. My Husband wouldn't have wanted that. He wanted the world to be a great place but he got back some haterd that he didn't deserve. He wanted to make people feel good with his music while also telling them how he feels. Most people caught on to it rather fast and were worried about him. Sadly, I didn't catch on fast enough. The news devestated me to a level that I didn't know was possible. I think somethings need to change with this world.

Sodam and I are getting the kids ready for the get together, the Members should be picking us up any minute now.

*Knock Knock*

" Right on time." I say under my breath as I finish putting the cute dresses on my baby girls.

" I got it!" Sobam  yells to me from the living room - I'm in the kids room. 

" Thank you Unnie!" I slightly yell back to her. I pick the girls up - very carefully - one in each arm and walk out to greet everyone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip To The Get Together ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I am holding Jin-ri in my arms, Key has Sora in his and Sodam is holding little Jongie jr. Minho is holding Nova's hand and Onew is fixing Blake's suit. Taemin got the biggest surprise of all. Taemin is holding Felicity - my other neice - Grandma flew here and brought her to me.

We are backstage waiting for the host to call us out. The program also brought back some of the couples from past seasons. I met Taecyeon and Nichkun a few moments ago. Sadly, their wives were not with them.

This will be the first time the kids will be on camera.

" Now will you please help me give a big welcome to Ashlee Knight and fer family!" The host anounced. 

I take a deep breath and walk out - in this order - Me, Sodam, Key, Onew with Blake, Minho with Nova and lastly Taemin with Felicity. I told the produsers that I didn't want to talk about my husband very much, it still hurts.

They asked us some questions, all in good fun for the show. They then started a video for each couple. 

Ours started with our first meeting then to meeting to guys, our first home and to Jongie taking Nova to the store. That made all of us laugh. The video then went to our wedding, us going to my home town and then finding out I was pregnant , to finding out  we were having triplets, going shopping with Rain and his wife. and then the funeral and me going into labor. And our video ends with a message in memory of Jonghyun. I am trying my hardest not to cry.

To Be Continued......

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE END OF PART 1/3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I know it's short. I'm going to end this story at part 20. There are two more parts after this.

Stay Tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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