The Surprise

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Ashlee's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jonghyun  came home really late. I had already put the kids to bed. I also had to make Key promise not say anything to anyone.

I was sitting on the couch. Ah, my favorite spot!

Jonghyun got home at about 11:30 that night.

"I'm so happy you're home!" I say as I try to get off the couch so I can give him a hug.

"I love being home. I wish I could be home more often, like work from home." He said jokingly.

I laugh. "That would be great, huh?" I say as I approach him and wrap my arms around him.

He wraps his arms around my waist and sighs. "I really missed you today. How was the doctor's appointment?"

I can't help the excitement I feel as I am about to tell him.

"You might want to sit down for this." I said as a huge smile comes on my face.

He looks at me weirdly, but sits on the couch none the less. I walk over to my purse and pull out the ultrasound pictures I had the doctor print out. I sit next to him and hand him the pictures.

"Wow, the little is getting really big!" He exclaims.

I shake my head, silently laughing.

"No. Babies!." I take the photos from and show him the photos one by one.

"Baby #1.... Baby #2 and......  BABY #3!!!!" I say with excitement.

"What!? 3? Are you sure? ..... Oh god...." I laugh at his reaction.

"It also tells us the sex of them." I tell him.

He looks at the photos again and his eyes widened.

" 2  G... G... Girls and only one boy!? Oh god.... They're taking over!"

"What, who?" I ask, slightly laughing.

"You! Your kind! Girls...."

I laugh and pull him in for a hug and pat his head.

"Oh, Honey. We started taking over a long time ago. All jokes a side though, I think we should go to bed." He nods and we both get off the couch.

We were stopped by the producer....... Handing us an infamous Red Envelope. Jonghyun opens it and reads it out loud.

"Congratulations on your growing family. It's time for a new house and buying baby essentials. The team is willing to help the new parents with anything they need. Have a good night and be ready to do some shopping with some guests."

We look at each other and smile. We bow to the Producer. Well I tried to.

"Thank you!" We say to him and head to bed with a new excitement for tomorrow.

THE NEXT MORNING !!!!!!!!!!!!

For some reason I couldn't sleep. Well I know the reason. Them...  They were having a war in there, I swear...  I probably look like a bat out of hell.... And I feel like it... It's about 9 am and I need to wake the kids up but I also need to make breakfast before anything.

I pull the flour out of the pantree, the eggs, milk and chocolate chips from the fridge.  Turn the stove on and put the pan on it. I grab a bowl from the cabinet and start mixing everything.


 I put the plates on the table from Nova, Blake, Jonghyun and I. Two pancakes each for everyone. I leave the kitchen and go to Blake's room. I touch his shoulder and give him a slight shake.

"Blake, Buddy. It's time to wake up. I got breakfast ready. Hurry and wash up before it gets cold." I tell him.

He rolls onto his back, wiping the gunk from his eyes. I leave his room and to Nova's and do the same.. After I wake her up, go to our room and wake him up. I take a quick shower and get dressed and went to eat everyone.

We were eating blissfully when there was a knock at the door. Jonghyun and I excuse ourselves and go the door. I open it and completely freeze..... On my door step is....

Kim Tae Hee and Rain.....



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