Which Witch

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(At Catherine house, Catherine was in front of the TV with a pencil and a notebook on her hands)

Marshall: Hey Cath, what's up?

Catherine: Oh hey, Marshall. What's up.

Catherine: Oh, hi Marshall. I'm just about to take a test called "How brave are you?".

Marshall: (Scoffs)

Announcer on TV: Here's your first situation. A poisonous snake is coming at you!

Catherine: I'm not afraid.

Announcer on TV: A giant grizzly bear is attacking!

Catherine: I'm not afraid.

Announcer on TV: A man-eating lion is on loose!

Catherine: I'm not afraid even of a toon-eating lion.

Announcer on TV: An army of monsters, werewolves and vampires is attacking!

Catherine: I'm absolutely, definitely, utterly not afraid!

Marshall: Well in this case, I heard Mr. Wolfgang is a werewolf again.

Catherine: (Scared) WHAT?! (Hides under a pillow)

Marshall: (Laughs hysterically) Got ya!

Catherine: (Annoyed) I wasn't scared. You just surprised me, that's all!

(Suddenly, the news came on)

News reporter: We interrupt this program for a very important warning. Some violent mutant piranha rat chipmunks have are on the loose and have been wrecking havoc!

Marshall: Oh no, I just hope they don't hurt anyone!

Catherine: I just hope my friends are aware of this....

(Meanwhile, Thunder and Generous were reading the news)

Generous: Mutant piranha what?

Thunder: That's something you don't see every day.

Generous: Anyway, we gotta keep an eye for these creatures...

(Suddenly, Clara and Delilah are heard screaming)

Generous and Thunder: Huh?

(Then Delilah and Clara appear with Clara having two tails and Delilah one eye)

Thunder: Woah, what the heck just happened?

Delilah: I think we have a problem.

(Suddenly, a witch appeared holding a cauldron)

Witch: Who's ready for a spell?

Thunder: Um, I'll pass!

Generous: Me too, I have a bad feeling about this...

Witch: Too bad! (Laughs) Hickedly-snut, conjoined at the side!

(Suddenly, Generous and Thunder are conjoined in the sides)

Thunder: What the- D'OH!!! Seriously, who does that to someone?!

Generous: A witch! That's who!

(Meanwhile, Catherine is at her bathroom and was throwing some water in her face hoping that it'll calm her down. Then she looks at the mirror)

Catherine: (Sighs) Calm down, Cath. You just worry too much. I mean your friends will beat these mutants when they come to them. But even if I helped, I no longer have my magic with me. My necklace is gone ever since we beat Manifesto....

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