Lost parents

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(At the oc house, the oc's were hanging out)

Generous: (Sees Catherine wearing a reptile outfit) Oh! Sweet outfit.

Catherine: Thanks... I am running for Reptile Club President. It is a fiercely competitive election, so I am turning up the heat.

Fireball: You might want to turn it back down.

Twistar: You seem like the obvious choice for that office. I can't believe anyone else would even run.

Thunder: I can't believe there's anyone else who cares.

Chad: Or anyone else in that club.

Clara: Why you guys having the election in the park?

Catherine: We're not allowed to use the school ever since Jax's iguana turned the class hamster habitat into an all-you-can-eat buffet.

(Suddenly, Honey Comb and Arrow Blow, Seashell's adopted parents came in and Arrow Blow carried a lot of bags)

Honey Comb: Do you have all of my bags?

Arrow Blow: Surprisingly, no. But I'll get this batch down after we say goodbye to our daughter.

Seashell: Uh, Mom... Before you leave, could you and dad help me with something? I wanted to ask you about my birth family.

(Everyone looks shocked)

Honey Comb: Oh... Uh... now?

Arrow Blow: Uh... So... what do you want to know?

Seashell: Uh, just stuff like who my parents were, and where I'm from.

Honey Comb: (Nervously) Is there any way we could have this conversation when we get back from our trip? See you in a few days. Love you! (Gives her a kiss before she leaves with Arrow Blow)

(Later, Seashell was with Generous as they were cleaning up the oc house)

Generous: So, you're adopted?! I mean it kinda seems obvious...

Seashell: It's because both my parents are earth ponies?

Generous: Yeah...

Seashell: Anyway, could you please ask mom to talk to me about my birth parents? All I know is they were from Canterlot, and incredibly good looking.

Generous: How do you know that?

Seashell: Hello!

Generous: I wonder which one you get the modesty from.

Seashell: Come on, Gen. I'm already old enough to find out about my background.

Generous: Seashell, I understand how you feel. Okay? It's natural to want answers, but... your parents obviously aren't ready to pursue this right now. And I have to respect that.

Seashell: (Sighs) I really I want to know...

(At the park, Clara, Delilah and Thunder were helping Catherine with her campaign posters)

Thunder: (Snores as he sleeps)

Clara: Thunder!

(Thunder wakes up terrified)

Catherine: Why are you not painting my campaign poster?

Thunder: Oh! Because Terence took my brush. Also... I don't care.

Delilah: I'm done. (Shows her poster)

Catherine: "Vote for Catherine, or else?" Or else what? You may not have noticed. But these guns have no ammo.

The greatest oc's the series: Season 5 (Update)Where stories live. Discover now