Rescue at McDuck Manor

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(Outside the McDuck Manor, Clara and her sisters were playing baseball outside with Huey, Louie and Dewey)

Huey: Wow, you know Clara, you're really good at baseball.

Clara: Thanks. I learned it from my big sister.

(They continue playing)

Dewey: Huh, maybe we should hang out more.

Clara: I agree. I really enjoy your time.

Louie: Hey, Clara! Catch this! (Throws the ball)

Clara: I got it! (She hits the ball but that's when a loud crash was heard)

(The kids slowly turn around and saw one of the windows of McDuck Manor's windows)

Everyone: Uh oh....

(Suddenly, footsteps were heard, and Scrooge appeared looking very angry)

Scrooge McDuck: Who broke the window?!

(The kids point at Clara in fear as she was standing there frozen. Later, at the Heasley's house a knock was heard at the door)

Eunice Heasley: Oh, maybe the girls are back.

(She opens the door to find a very grumpy Scrooge holding Clara while Wendy and Carla were standing next to him feeling ashamed)

Scrooge McDuck: I found one of your daughters smashing one of my windows! (Drops Clara)

Eunice and Eugene: What?

Clara: I didn't mean it!

Scrooge McDuck: You should have told your daughter to be more careful when she plays around with other kids! Including my nephews! (To Clara) Do you have any idea how much it's going to cost?!

Eugene Heasley: We're so sorry, this happened Mr. McDuck. But don't be too harsh on her, she's just a kid, and if there's anything we can do to make it up to you.

Scrooge McDuck: You can tell your daughter to go get her piggy bank because she is going to pay for it.

Eunice Heasley: Yes, don't worry. We'll pay for the damage to your window.

Scrooge McDuck: You better do that! Good day! (Slams the door and leaves)

Eunice Heasley: Clara, we need to talk. (To Wendy and Carla) You girls can go.

(Wendy and Carla leave as they're worried about their sister)

Clara: I'm very sorry.... I didn't mean it... I-it was an accident...

Eunice Heasley: Clara, we know you didn't mean it but it's not right to break someone's stuff.

Clara: I know....

Eugene Heasley: You saw how mad Scrooge became.

Clara: I know... but why would he freak out so much about money? It might not even cost that much....

Eugene Heasley: We know he can be an old cheapskate but still money doesn't grow on trees.

Clara: I'm very sorry... (Sobs softly) It won't happen again...

Eunice Heasley: (Sighs) Look, tomorrow we go together so you apologize to Scrooge, and we pay for the damage.

Clara: (Sniff) Good...

Eugene Heasley: But for now, we want you to go to your room...

Clara: Okay, fine.... (Leaves)

Donna: Nice work, chipmunk. (Chuckles)

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