Oops, wrong trousers

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(It was Foo foo's birthday at the Muppet's boarding house and the oc's were also there giving their gifts to Foo foo)

The oc's and the Muppets: Happy Birthday Foo foo.

Foo foo: (Barks)

Miss Piggy: Now that's a party that my sweet Foo foo deserves.

Generous: (Gives her a card) This is for her.

Miss Piggy: (Opens the card and the card plays some relaxing music) What's this?

Generous: I thought a relaxing music would be good for your dog. (Smiles nervously)

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: It's good I say but you should see mine. Beaker?

Beaker: Meep, meep. (Brings a small present)

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: Happy birthday, Foo foo!

(Miss Piggy opens the present, looking at the leash and collar that was inside)

Miss Piggy: Hm, it's just a collar.

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: And that's only the first part. Come and look in here.

(Everyone turn around and see a pair of robotic trousers approaching)

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: Tada! My new Robotic Trousers!!! I think you'll find this present a valuable addition to our modern lifestyle! EX-NASA. Fantastic for walkies! All you do is attach the lead on here... (Puts leash on Foo foo) then program in. Walkies, 10 minutes, 20 minutes. Oops!

(The Robotic Trousers walk down)

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: Ha ha ha! Have a nice walk, Foo foo!

Miss Piggy: Foo foo!

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: Do not worry, Miss Piggy. Foo foo will be alright. I tested the trousers and they're completely safe.

Thunder: I hope so....

(Later, the Robotic Trousers walk back to the Muppet Boarding House with Foo foo)

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: Nice walkies, hmm? (To Foo foo) How were the Robot-Trousers?

(Foo foo runs away terrified when a knock on the door is heard)

Kermit the frog: Oh, there's someone at the door. I wonder who that could be. (Walks to a door and opens it) Hello?

(A hooded figure was standing at the doorway)

Hooded figure: Would you help a poor and lost soul? I wondered around the streets for weeks and I feel so tired and week....

Kermit the frog: Please, come in.

(The figure comes in)

Kermit the frog: Who are you?

(The hooded figure pulls down their hood revealing to be a lizard)

Lizard: I'm Fill. I got lost, far away from my home and I don't know where to go. Then I've heard about you, and I thought until I'm healthy again I will stay.

Sam the Eagle: Kermit, are you sure we can trust him?

Kermit the frog: Sam, this guy is in a bad condition! We've got to help him.

Gonzo: Where is he going to sleep?

Miss Piggy: Not on my room!

Sam the Eagle: Just to be safe, he'll sleep on the couch, and we'll all lock the doors.

Fill: That's fine by me. I could really use a nap now.

Scooter: Seems pleasant enough.

Kermit the frog: We'll help you Fill. Do not worry, we'll get you back home.

The greatest oc's the series: Season 5 (Update)Where stories live. Discover now