Treasure hunt (Part 1)

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(At the oc house every non-Disney character was there as well as a black and white borzoi with amber eyes and wearing a white shirt, a green jacket coat, a dark gray hat, dark brown pants and boots)

??????: I was Frents' first mate that voyage... three days east of Tortolain the Caribie. Frents knew an island. That's where we buried the treasure. Gold and blood, they were Frents' trademarks. He'd leave both behind him that day.Fifteen men went ashore that day, and only Frents, his own self, returned. Oh, aye, and then old Frentsy up and died afore they could get back to that cursed island and dig up the treasure. No one knows to this day who has old Flint's map. Now, isn't that a story worth the hearing? But who has the map now, huh? Some black-hearted, squid-suckin' buccaneer? Or maybe it's our very own Generous Crystal. Eh, Gen?

Generous: If I had it, my friends and I wouldn't be here entertaining everyone and serving you rum, Mr. Skullinsky.

Trimplechip: That's right. We'd be out searching for that treasure, sailing the seven seas on a five-year mission, boldly going where no man or toon has gone before. Say, that's catchy.

Thunder: Huh. Not me.

Mr. Skullinsky: Aye! Beware the one-legged fox! He's the one to fear!

Generous: Don't worry, Captain. We'll watch for him.

Bailey: Yeah, I'll watch for him... If he's deliverin' a pizza.

(The oc's laugh until Mr. Skullinsky covers Bailey's face with a glass)

Mr. Skullinsky: Even old Frentsy feared him. If he comes pokin' 'round here, you run for me whippety-quick!

Generous: If we see him, we'll tell you.

Little Miss Crazy: Yeah. One leg, three heads, couple of dozen noses, if anything weird happens...

Mr. Skullinsky: And it'll be nay jokin' matter, pinky. The one-legged fox brings death.

Generous: Okay, everyone. Thank you for visiting the second tooniest place on earth. See you real soon!

(Everyone leaves)

Mr. Skullinsky: Here's to you, oc's! I'm away.

(Soon, the oc's start cleaning around)

Twistar: Do you still think it's a good idea this Zaire Skullinsky guy stays there?

Generous: I think so.

Thunder: GC, I understand you like helping people but there are boundaries and consequences.

Generous: Say, have any of you guys think of what our life might be if it was like one of

Captain Skullinsky's adventures, sailing the high seas and searching for buried treasure.

Catherine: Yeah, discovering lost islands and weird civilizations.

Thunder: If you suggest do what he does I'm out.

Generous: Oh, relax Thunder. I was just wondering...

Thunder: Wondering when will our next adventure will be...

Mr. Skullinsky: Rum! I need rum, lads! I got the horrors! Give me rum! (Breaks stuff around) Rum 'til I float!

Generous: All right! All right! Just one small one.

Evelyn: Oh no, no. That's enough rum for today, mister.

Mr. Skullinsky: Shh! Shh! (Whispers) Did ya lads hear that?

(Suddenly, the sound of the doors opening was heard. Then a bluish newt wearing a purplish jacket coat, a grayish shirt, a red necktie, dark blue pants black boots and a green blindfold appeared)

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