Sleeping Riana

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(At Zoo Kingdom High, Riana was at her locker)

Riana: Oh, what an interesting project. I just hope to find a story... Maybe I should go with Snow white. Mirror, mirror, on the wall....

Alex: Who is the one they adore? She reads the news and she's no fool. Catherine Willows is really cool!

Riana: (Rolls her eyes in annoyance)

(Then Glaze appears with Mackenzie)

Glaze: Hey girls. (Brushes his hair as he looks in the mirror) Great jacket, Catherine. And for you Riana. (Gives her an emerald necklace) For you my dear.

Riana: (Reluctantly) Woah, Glaze... how lovely, and... unexpected.

Mackenzie: It's all he could think for you.

Glaze: And by the way thanks for the mirror. (Leaves with Mackenzie)

Alex: (Sighs) Look at him, of course Ria would hang out with him. She wouldn't like me...

Catherine: (Appears with Erica) Hey, so I've heard about your story project. Do you need any help?

Riana: Well, you're not on the same class but do you have any suggestions?

Catherine: Maybe you should try Aurora's story. You know, the sleeping beauty?

Riana: Sleeping Beauty? I love that story!

Catherine: Maybe, you should meet her herself!

Alex and Riana: She's real?!

Catherine: Oh, yes. I can lead you to her.

(They've arrived at King's Stefan's castle)

Catherine: Good evening, your majesties. It's me, Catherine from the greatest oc's. Me and my friends would like to see your daughter Aurora, if that's possible.

(They eventually find Aurora and the three fairies Flora, Fauna and Merryweather)

Aurora: So, what brings you here, Catherine?

Catherine: My friends here, like to know about your story.

Riana: Yeah, like it's one of my favorites so we thought we could do an interview or something.

Alex: Let's start from the beginning, shall we? (Prepares a note and pencil)

Flora: Alright. It all started when Aurora was just a baby. (Giggles) And that day we gave her our gifts. Mine was beauty.

Fauna: And mine was song. But just then Maleficent appears and curses the princess to prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday.

Merryweather: Luckily, I managed to weaken the curse so that Aurora will fall into a deep sleep, only broken by true love's kiss. The king destroyed every spinning wheel in the kingdom, and we raised Aurora to protect her from Maleficent.

Flora: Unfortunately, Maleficent found her and made her prick her finger at the spindle of a spinning wheel.

Fauna: We places a powerful spell on all the people in the kingdom, causing them to sleep until the spell on their princess is broken. And then we found Prince Phillip, Aurora's true love but he was captured by Maleficent.

Merryweather: But we managed to help him escape and he defeated the evil Maleficent and broke the curse on Aurora.

(Later, Riana, Catherine and Alex started to leave)

Alex: Wow, we got exactly what we wanted. Not a bad suggestion Catherine.

Catherine: Meh, it was the least I could do.

The greatest oc's the series: Season 5 (Update)Where stories live. Discover now