Catherine the vampire slayer (Part 1)

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(It was morning, and Catherine was at Zoo Kingdom High and went to music class to find Mrs. Carter)

Catherine: Mrs. Carter? Mrs. Carter? (Worried) Mrs. Carter?

(Suddenly a raccoon with dark red eyes and wearing black jacket and pants and a red shirt appeared)

Raccoon: Hello-ski.

Catherine: (Startled) Who are you?

Raccoon: Well, who are you?

Catherine: I'm Catherine. Catherine Willows...

Raccoon: That tells me almost nothing.

Catherine: I'm a student here.

Raccoon: I knew that. I was just kidding.

Catherine: (Nervous) It didn't seem like you were kidding.

Raccoon: Or did it? (Laughs) I'm Mr. Delvin, the music teacher, and I want to help you join the world with music.

Catherine: Music teacher?

Mr. Delvin: You like bulgogi?

Catherine: I don't know what that is! Where's Mrs. Carter?

Mr. Delvin: Oh, she won't be here for a while.... Bye-ski!

(He leaves as Catherine was standing feeling weirded out. Later, after school Catherine was walking home when she saw Mr. Delvin holding an umbrella, near a house and removing a sign saying, "House for sale" and "Sold" underneath it)

Catherine: Oh, my gumballs! He's moving in next door!

Michelle: (Appears) Who?

Catherine: (Gets scared and runs away screaming)

(The next day, Catherine was walking to school with Erica)

Erica: Why did he have an umbrella in the daytime?

Catherine: I don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't be scared, now would I?

Erica: And why are you so scared? He's just a teacher.

Catherine: He's responsible for the disappearance of Mrs. Carter, Erica!

Erica: I think Mrs. Carter got sick and he's the substitute teacher.

Catherine: Yeah, I guess that could have happened....

Erica: I get it, okay.

(At school, on music lesson, Gavin was finishing playing with the piano and everyone clapped except Catherine and Erica)

Mr. Delvin: Bravo, Gavin. Bravo! You're definitely benefiting from the private lessons.

Gavin: Yeah, but I was talented already though, right?

Mr. Delvin: You know, Gavin is my little advertisement for my lessons.

Gavin: But I was talented already.

Mr. Delvin: Be like Gavin. Join the world with music. Now, the piano recital is coming up, and we all know what a big, big deal that is, don't we? A few lessons with me and anyone will be ready for the recital.

Gavin: I'm going to kick some piano butt at that recital.

Catherine: What's that even supposed to mean?

Gavin: It means you should shut up!!!!!

Mr. Delvin: All right, Kevin, why don't we give somebody else a chance? Um... Catherine, let's hear how your piece is coming.

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