The wild sheep

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(It was morning in Toontown, and the oc's were at the OC House as Evelyn have invited them over)

Thunder: Alright Evelyn, what seems to be the problem?

Evelyn: Well, for the past few weeks I heard some news about an animal attacking flocks of sheep. No one really knows what that animal looks like as no one managed to catch a glimpse of it, except for some sheep hoofprints.

Catherine: Maybe it's chasing a sheep?

Evelyn: I don't know but one thing's for sure: It's very clever. Once it managed to get in the farm of a neighbor. Right now, I have to make sure my master's farm is safe.

Clara: You have a master?

Evelyn: What? You think I spend the rest of my life as a walking talking dog? I also live as a normal dog on a farm.

Generous: Okay.....

Evelyn: Whatever this animal may be, I will not let it take any animal from my owner's farm! I'll make sure of it.

Rose: Well, good luck darling.

(Later that evening, Generous walked through the woods as she was worried about the animal that had been attacking the farm animals)

Generous: Maybe I should help.... What if Evelyn fails to save her owner's animals? If it's a wolf or another predator maybe it will tear her to pieces. Wait, if it's only hoofprints that people have seen then what if.... Nah, it'll be ridiculous right? (Hears some sounds in the bushes) Hello? Who's there?

(She approaches the bushes, curious and scared at the same time. Suddenly, a horned sheep with green eyes, messy wool and a scar over his left eye bounces on her, growling at her)

??????????: Who are you?! What are you doing here?

Generous: (Chokes)

??????????: Huh?

Generous: You're standing on my throat.

????????????: (He gets off of her)

Generous: (Clears throat) Thanks. I need my throat for talking, so thank you. Uh, hi. (Clears throat) Hi. My name is Generous Crystal. Just so you know, Generous is my name. Not my title. (To herself) That's stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

???????????: Well, strange creature. I don't know what you are and what you are doing here but you won't last a minute in nature. In nature, the strong lives and the weak fall.

Generous: First of all, I'm an alicorn. Second, I was just walking here and thinking about an animal attacking flocks or something.

??????????: Might be a wolf or a bear.

Generous: Yeah, but there were those hoofprints.

?????????: (Stays silent for a moment) Maybe they went after the sheep.

Generous: I guess you're right. I'm sorry I didn't catch up your name.

??????????: They call me Buttercup.

Generous: Cute name.

Buttercup: I'm not cute.

Generous: But you are, you're a sheep.

Buttercup: (Groans)

Generous: You know? Maybe with this animal out there, mind if I stay with you? For defense?

Buttercup: (Thinks about it and sighs) Alright.

(The next couple of days, Generous spends time with Buttercup in the wild, though it was very hard as Buttercup was annoyed by Generous' lack of surviving skills)

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