The Cool Toons

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(Around Toontown, the oc's were on their way to a café they usually hang out)

Thunder: Almost there, girls!

(They approach the parking and were about to park when another car stole the spot they were about to park)

Thunder: What the- HOLY- (Immediately stops) HEY THAT WAS OURS, YOU PARKING STELEARS!!!!

Generous: Relax, Thunder. We can park somewhere else.

(A small rat appeared. Terence saw it and began chasing it)

Generous: Terence, no!!! (Goes after him) No, Terence, no!!! Bad kitty!!! Bad!!!!

(Suddenly, the rat was picked up by a light blue alicorn with blue mane and tail, dark mint-colored eyes, a moon cutie mark with stars and a crystal and wearing a green dress)

Alicorn: What's wrong, Chippy?

(Chippy points to Terence)

Generous: (Picks him up) That's enough, Terence.

Alicorn: That's your cat?

(Then a few more toons appeared. The toons were an orange car, a computer, a canary, a leopon, a kirin a Malteze, a silver fox, a squid and an urchin)

Generous: Um, yeah?

Alicorn: Have you got any idea that your cat attacked my rat?!

Generous: That was your rat? I am so, so, sorry....

Thunder: (Realizes something) Wait a dang minute! You stole our parking spot!!!!

Car: YOUR parking spot? This is a public place! Anyone can park wherever they want.

Thunder: But WE almost had that spot!!!! How about you leave and get your own?!

Generous: Shh...

Silver Fox: (Gasp) You dare to speak to us, the Cool Toons, like that?!

Thunder: Yes, I- Who and what now?

Alicorn: We're the Cool Toons. I'm Moonstone, these are Tobias, Storm, Estelle, Buttons, Blondie, Roxanne, Blossom Flare, Poindexter, Callie and you met my rat, Chippy.

(Chippy cuddles in Moonstone's hooves)

Generous: Nice, to meet you. I'm Generous and me and my friends are the greatest oc's. I'm sorry for my friend's behavior...

Thunder: Sorry?! We deserve respect!!!!!!

Blossom Flare: (Becomes a Nirik) So are we, you big meanie!

Tobias: Yeah, what she said.

Callie: In fact, we made a hotel to which everyone can have a good time.

Buttons: Do you have a hotel?

Twistar: No, we have a club.

Moonstone: Hm, could have done better.... Let's go Chippy.

(The Cool Toons leave. Later, the oc's were walking around Toontown)

Thunder: Ugh, I just met them, and I can't stand them!!!!!!!

Generous: Come on, Thunder. They can't be that bad....

Twistar: Yeah, I mean they were only some toons, and we had a bad start with them so what? Maybe you're just overreacting Thunder...

Thunder: I guess you're right.... (Sees a poster about going to the Lotus Hotel and gets furious)

(The oc's were shocked seeing how their hotel was more breathtaking and impressive in comparison to the OC House. Later, the oc's were at the oc house talking to their new members)

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