Body Switch

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(It was a normal day at the oc house, and Clara and Catherine were playing mini golf as Terence counted the points)

Catherine: (Yells) Hole-in-one! Yeah! (Burps)

Twistar: (Arrives) Oh, I see you and Terence are playing Golf.

Clara: Yup. It's totes great.

Thunder: (Arrives with a package) Twi, you got a package from Mixeland.

Twistar: Ooh! It is from the Electroids. Look, Terence, what do you think it is?

Terence: (Meow)

Clara: Why ask him?

Catherine: Yeah, he's just a chubby kitty cat.

Twistar: Call him a chubby kitty cat again, and you will be end up in a can.

Generous: Guys, guys, remember that part I auditioned for but didn't get?

Clara: You mean all of them?

Generous: Yes. But I'm talking about the role in MacBeth. Well, I kept hoping and wishing, and it finally happened! The girl who had the role got a broken kneecap. It was an accident of course.

Thunder: Wow, Shakespeare in the Park, I'm impressed. So, which juicy role are you playing? Lady MacBeth, Lady MacDuff?

Generous: No, I'm First Apparition! And I have two whole lines!

Catherine: Ha! Just two? (Generous turns around in a serious look) I mean, two? Hey! (Giggles)

Twistar: (Hugs her) Congratulations, Generous. We are so proud of you.

Generous: Aw, thank you, Twi.

(At the park, Generous begins her rehearsal)

Generous: MacBeth! MacBeth! MacBeth!

Director: Cease!

Generous: Uh, am I doing something wrong, Mr. Liston?

Mr. Liston: Mmm-hmm. Everything! Oh. Your posture, your enunciation. And that lipstick is hideous! You're an apparition, not a clown.

Generous: Sorry, Sir. It was on sale, my bad.

Mr. Liston: Again! And this time try and not make me weep for the acting profession!

Generous: Right, good note. (Exhales) MacBeth! MacBeth...

Mr. Liston: Cease! Halt! Wherefore art thou talent? I don't know what makes me cringe more, your acting, or the deviled eggs at Kraft service. Too much paprika, Tina! Now, Generous, watch and learn.

Generous: Oh, I already know how to make deviled eggs.

Mr. Liston: No! I meant watch me! Two time Tony nominee, and recurring character on CSI: Albuquerque. (Winces)

Generous: Uh, Mr. Liston... You okay there? Who's his emergency contact?

Mr. Liston: (Gasps) MacBeth! MacBeth! MacBeth! Beware MacDuff! Beware the Thane of Fife! Uh... Generous? Did you feel that?

Generous: Sure did. I was right in the splash zone.

(That night after the shows on the oc house)

Bong: Twistar, are you sure it's a good idea to open up a strange box?

Twistar: (Opens it and finds a bell) Ooh! It is an ancient ceremonial bell. (Gasps) An elephant pearl. It is a rare and mysterious object rumored to have magical powers.

Bong: Like what?

Twistar: The possibilities are limitless. But whatever you do, do not touch this. (Leaves)

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