Catherine the vampire slayer (Part 2) (FINAL)

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(Catherine and Marshall were trying to take a sign that had a cross in it when Fabian appears)

Fabian Easton: What are you doing?

Catherine: Fabian! What are you doing here?

Fabian Easton: There's a question already on the table.

Catherine: We're using this cross against a vampire. Do you want to help?

Fabian Easton: No.

Catherine: Okay. So... How've you been, Fabian?

Fabian Easton: Oh, you know, I've been pretty chilled. You know that's not a real cross, right?

Marshall: We know, but it'll do, I think.

Fabian Easton: How do you know? Are you a vampire?

Catherine: No. We've been reading about them online.

Fabian Easton: No one's ever learned how to kill a vampire from the Internet.

Catherine: Well, it looks like we'll be the first, then.

Fabian Easton: You should probably go.

Catherine: Yeah. We've got to stop this vampire.

Fabian Easton: And there's a cop car. It's illegal to steal signs, you know.

(Catherine and Marshall flee. Later, they went to a Chinese restaurant)

Chinese cashier: Hello, hello. You look so hungry. Let me get you some food.

Catherine: Oh, we'll just have some garlic sauce.

Chinese cashier: Garlic sauce? All you gonna eat is garlic sauce?

Marshall: Yeah, can't you just get, like, a big old bowl of garlic sauce, you know?

Chinese cashier: No.

Catherine: Oh, okay, well, do you have, like, chicken with garlic sauce?

Chinese cashier: Yes.

Catherine: Okay, we'll have chicken with garlic sauce.

Chinese cashier: Okay.

Catherine: Just hold the chicken.

Chinese cashier: Why you need garlic sauce?

Marshall: To stop a vampire.

Chinese cashier: What's a vampire?

Catherine: (Sighs) It's like... You know, like a... (Hisses)

Chinese cashier: (Screams in fear) You vampire?

Catherine: No, no, I'm not a vampire. But you know what...

Chinese cashier: What's a vampire?

Catherine: (Facepalms) Never mind. Anyways, can we just get some garlic sauce, please?

Chinese cashier: Yes, garlic sauce to go. Be right back. (Leaves and finds the chef) There's two weird animal kids here. All they eat is garlic sauce.

Chinese chef: Oh, that would upset their stomach.

Chinese cashier: They scare me, they creep me out!

Chinese chef: I'll get the garlic sauce.

Chinese cashier: No, no. I don't want to be out here with them. They freak me out. I fear for my life.

(The chef comes to the counter)

Catherine and Marshall: Hey.

Chinese chef: Hi. Fortune cookie?

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