Thunder's day

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(Up a hill, Thunder, Sun Winter, Screeny, Mr. Looney and Tiger were preparing a huge surfboard on an ice cube)

Thunder: All right, boys, here's the dealio. It's a little creation of mine I like to call "hill surfing."

Screeny: Watch your hoof.

Sun Winter: I'll spot you. I'll spot you.

Tiger: Are you sure this is safe, Thunder?

Thunder: Tiger! Come on, safe? It's completely safe! Since when isn't surfing safe?

Sun Winter: He's got a point.

Thunder: Okay, It's go time!

Screeny: I'll try it. I'm down.

Sun Winter: Shotgun!

Mr. Looney: Piggyback!

Tiger: Never! You are all gonna die.

Thunder: Wait a second. Photo op.

(They get together on the surfboard and Sun takes a picture)

Mr. Looney: (Eats an apple)

Thunder: Hey, Mr. Looney?

Mr. Looney: What?

Thunder: Where'd you get that apple?

Mr. Looney: This apple? Oh, well, it originally was attached to this. (Shows a stick with apples)

Thunder: Oh.

(Suddenly the surfboard begins moving)

Sun Winter: Uh, Thunder?

Tiger: What? What? What happened?

Screeny: You know, it's times like this when I really like to say... Oh, snap!

(They fall from the hill)

Thunder: You didn't do that!

(They keep sliding through that hill screaming in terror. They passed through some bushes causing Thunder to have a log on his head and leaves on his face, Sun and Screeny holding a bird nest, Tiger being attacked by a raccoon and Mr. Looney being covered in vines. Suddenly, they approach a tree)

Thunder: Okay, okay! Look, this is bad enough! Please, no one scream, "Tree!"

Everyone except Thunder: Tree!

(Thunder manages to avoid the tree)

Thunder: Let's surf!

(He and the others surf on a hillside)

Thunder: Hang on now, boys! Yeah! Hang hoof!

Screeny: Thunder? Are we supposed to not yell, "Rock"?

(They approach a rock and the ice that held the surfboard shattered as the surfboard was sent flying. However, the boys were in a flying position with Thunder holding two branches. However, they hit a waterfall and begin approaching a chicken farm)

Thunder: Chicken farm!!!!!

Screeny: Oh, I get it. We can't yell "Tree" or "Rock", but you get to yell, "Chicken farm."

(They scream as they landed on the chicken farm. Meanwhile, at the oc house the oc girls came in to meet this Russian blue cat lady)

Cat: Hello, you must be the owners of this place. My name is Blair, I'm your new landlady.

Generous: Pleasure to meet you Ms. Blair. I'm Generous Crystal.

Terence: (Meow)

Generous: And this little cutie patootie is Terence.

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