Chapter 18

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“Alright, she’s down,” Liam said as he joined me at the dining table a couple of nights later, after tucking Emily in for the night.  I’d decided to let him solo bedtime tonight since I wasn’t really needed for it anymore anyway.  Liam had it down.  Turned out he was a natural at putting her to bed.  He set the monitor on the table between us.

“Keep it up, and soon enough, you’re not going to need me at all anymore,” I joked dryly as I shuffled one deck of cards and then placed them in their spot on the playmat before picking up the second deck and starting to shuffle.

“Please.  Less than two weeks in, and you’re already quitting on me?  Unbelievable.”  He grinned and set the jewel-coloured poker chips on their spaces on the mat.  “What was my sister thinking?”

I smirked.  “She was thinking I’m the best parenting coach in the land and that I could teach you everything there is to know about taking care of a two-year-old in no time flat.”  I grinned at him, then dealt out four cards from each of the green, yellow, and blue decks onto the playmat.  I had taught him how to play Splendor last night and had subsequently kicked his ass.  Not surprising, since he was brand new to both the game and the hobby.  Now he wanted a rematch.

“Hmm, then I guess I’ll just have to stunt my own education so that you can never leave me,” he murmured as he set out the noble tiles. 

I blushed, and he looked up and caught my eye.  His own eyes sparkled with mirth, and one side of his mouth quirked up in a smirk, as if challenging me to respond.

My heart rate increased, and I felt a little thrill go through me.  I licked my lips, my mouth suddenly dry as I tried to think up a response.  “Well, how am I supposed to know, then, whether I’m actually a good teacher, or if you’re just slacking in your studies?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him, returning the challenge.

He sighed dramatically.  “Well, I guess we’ll never know.  I guess you’ll just have to keep teaching me until I’m ready to let you go.  How does…sixteen years sound?  Give or take?”

I sputtered out a startled laugh.  That thrill went through me again, but I tamped it down.  “I’d say it sounds like some damn good job security; I’ll take it.” I told him with a smile.

He laughed, and the sound was rich and deep.  He’d seemed so serious and business-like when I’d first met him but seeing this side of him made him seem so much more…human.  I liked it.  When I saw this side of him, I knew that he and Emily would be fine, with or without me.  It also made it easier to interact with him.

“I’m glad we’re in agreement,” he said, treating me to a genuinely friendly smile, and I found myself smiling back at him.  I couldn’t help it.  It was contagious. 

“Me too.  Besides, it’ll take you at least that long to beat me at this game.”  My tone was cocky, a smirk on my face. 

He narrowed his eyes at me, that competitive spark burning bright in them.  “Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be now?  Trash talk?  You don’t know who you’re messing with.  You’re going down, Monroe.  Right now.  Let’s do this.”


“You know, I can see why you like this place so much,” I told Hannah as we walked side by side through the farmer’s market the next morning.  Once again, Emily sat in the wagon, playing with her dolls while I pulled her along.  I never thought I’d ever become so…domestic, but I had to admit, it was definitely growing on me.

“Yeah?  What is it for you?” she asked, glancing at me.  She seemed pleased by my admission.

“Well, first of all, it’s beautiful out, so that’s part of it.  But it’s also like you said last week—there’s a sense of community here that’s really refreshing.”

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