Chapter 29

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A couple of weeks later, I came home to the sound of laughing and cheering coming from the living room. Emily's high-pitched giggle went straight to my heart, slaying me like nothing else could. I kicked off my shoes and hurried toward the sound of voices, eager to find out what the celebration was about.

I found Hannah on the couch with Emily in her lap, holding a large book open for them both to see.

"What are you two so excited about?" I asked as I came up behind them. Hannah started, gasping a little, and I chuckled as I came around the couch. She looked adorable when I startled her, especially when she gave me the dirty look she was giving me now, like a kitten trying to be as ferocious as a lion. I grinned brightly at her.

"We were reading a book, weren't we, Emily?" Emily nodded. "It's all about counting. And your daughter just counted all the way to ten!" She smiled tenderly at the little girl. It was a sight to see, my two girls like this.

I gave her a delighted look and exaggerated it, gasping at Emily. She giggled. "You did? You counted all the way to ten?"

"Yep!" she exclaimed excitedly, nodding proudly.

"Oh wow, that's amazing, Emily!" I said encouragingly as I sat down on the couch beside them, wrapping my arm around Hannah's shoulders and leaning in closer. I took a look at the book they were reading. It was full of colours and animals and had holes in the pages with 3D plastic ladybugs showing through. "I wish I hadn't missed it. Do you think you could do it again, Emily?"

Emily looked at me and then at Hannah, as if she was a little unsure of herself. We both nodded at her encouragingly.

"Okay, let's try it, Emily. Start here," Hannah prompted, pointing to the first ladybug in the row. Emily pointed at it too, and then slowly and haltingly started counting, with help from Hannah at first, but making it all the way to ten by herself without stopping.

Hannah and I both cheered for her, and I could see pure pride in Hannah's expression. She was beautiful. I tore my gaze away and looked to Emily instead, who was beaming at me.

"That was so good, Pumpkin!" I exclaimed. I didn't think I could smile any more widely, I was so proud of my little girl. I picked her up off Hannah's lap and then stood and swung her around. Emily shrieked with laughter. I couldn't help but laugh as well. The sound of her laughter had become one of my favourite sounds in the world.

I gave her stomach a raspberry, setting off another round of giggles, and then I set her on my hip. "I think this calls for celebration. How about some ice cream?"

"Ice cream!" Emily shouted excitedly, nodding emphatically.

I pressed a kiss to her cheek, and then looked at Hannah, offering my free hand to her. "What do you say, Sunshine? Would you care to join us for ice cream?"

She smiled at me and, blushing, nodded her head as she took my hand. "I'd love to."


Twenty minutes later, the three of us left the ice cream shop, Emily in my arms, ice cream in our hands as we walked toward the park nearby. Emily's face was already covered in chocolate, and she'd barely even started. I had a feeling a lot of that ice cream was going to end up all over me before we were through, but hey, that was what you signed up for when you were a parent.

"I'm glad we did this," Hannah said as we strolled along. I glanced at her and smiled. "We haven't gotten out of the house in a couple of days, so it's nice to spend some time outdoors while we still have some summer left."

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