Chapter 21

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It was weird, being friends with your boss. Weird to even be able to call him friend, but I was pretty sure that's what we were. Sunday had brought us a lot closer together, with him opening up to me and trusting me like that. It'd made me realize that I could trust him too, and as a result, I found myself more comfortable around him. It was definitely something I needed, living here in this house with him. Being friends with Liam made this place feel more like...home. He'd told me to think of him as my roommate, and now it was easier to do so. I didn't think it would ever be like it was with Jai and me, but each day made our friendship stronger.

I felt like this was something he needed too. I got the impression that he wasn't really close with anyone except Kate, and even then, there were things you just couldn't tell your sister. I was glad to be able to be there for him like he was for me, to be the one he confided in when he needed to talk.

It made evenings after we put Emily to bed easier too. I continued to teach him welcoming games, and it was nice to have something to bond over when we had time to ourselves. We also curled up on the couch together to watch movies some nights, and others, we just sat around and talked, getting to know each other better.

The next few weeks passed by this way, and before long, we'd settled into a comfortable routine. I saw him off to work in the morning, had dinner with him and Emily every evening, and then we hung out together after Emily went to bed. We went to the farmer's market every Saturday morning and then I played games with Jai, Mia and Kate every Saturday night. I felt like a platonic housewife, and I was okay with that. More than okay. I was content.



"Hurry up, or I'm starting the movie without you!" I called to Hannah, who was in the kitchen, popping the popcorn.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Keep your pants on!" she called back, trying to sound annoyed.

I grinned to myself as I sat down on the couch, blanket at the ready to throw over both of us. She joined me a couple of minutes later. "'Bout time," I said as she sat down beside me. I covered us both with the blanket and then wrapped my arm around her as she snuggled in close to me, popcorn bowl in my lap.

She turned her head to me and raised an eyebrow. "Listen, dude, you can't rush good popcorn. It's not my fault you're impatient."

I chuckled and ate a few pieces of the treat. "Alright, I can't disagree with you there. You do make some pretty good popcorn."

She smiled proudly at me and then rested her head on my shoulder. "Damn straight. Now enough talk. Let's watch!"

I grinned and shook my head but grabbed the remote and turned on the movie. "Yes, Sunshine. Right away, Sunshine." I felt a piece of popcorn hit my cheek a moment later and turned to look at her in amusement. She stuck her tongue out at me, then giggled and snuggled in against me again. I tightened my arm around her.

Things had really progressed between us over the past few weeks. It felt good to have someone to talk to, to see me off in the morning, to come home to after a long day of work, to hang out with in the evenings. If someone had told me a month and a half ago that I'd basically be playing house with someone and have a kid to boot, I'd never have believed them. But now I couldn't imagine my life any other way. Hannah was quickly becoming my best friend and living with her and my daughter felt like the most natural thing. Apparently, I was officially domesticated.

I hadn't realized how much I'd missed just holding someone while we talked or watched movies, until that day a few weeks ago. I'd been so alone for so long that I'd forgotten what it'd felt like to cuddle up like this, but now I found myself just wanting to touch her, to hold her, to feel this connection between us. We didn't have the romance factor, but we didn't need it. What we had was good, and I'd protect this friendship with everything I had.

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