Friends Life- 28

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 "Get up everyone!" Jina began making noises with steel plates and spoons in her hands

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"Get up everyone!" Jina began making noises with steel plates and spoons in her hands.
     "Jina! Give five minutes more, please!" Sina says sleepily.
     "Not another second. Wake up, everyone!" Jina calls out and the boys get up. Ahna also gets up. Only sina is still sleeping. Jina goes to make breakfast. The boys finish their showers one by one and get ready. Ahna also gets ready. Sina is still sleeping. Jungkook comes in front of her face to call her. Sina opens her eyes and sees jungkook's face in front of hers, she remembers the night when jungkook kissed her. She sat up instant that make jungkook got hurt in his head.
     "What's the problem? Why are you coming in front of my face again and again?" Sina says.
     "When did I come in front of your face? Is it my crime to wake you up?" Jungkook asked and patted the wound spot.
     "There are many ways to wake up someone. What is the need to come in front of a face like this?" Sina said getting down from the bed.
     "Shut up! Don't you see that you stuck to his head and he got hurt? You always fight with him." Ahna hits Sina with a towel.
     "Why are you just beating me? I don't like it! UGHH!" Sina went to the bathroom. After getting ready, she saw the others walking in front of the door with bags on their shoulders. Looking back and seeing Sina, Ahna said, "You are not ready yet? Hurry up! It's getting late." Sina walked out of the house with a band in her hand, a sandwich in her mouth, bag on her shoulder, and put her foot into some kind of shoe. After Jina closed the door, everyone ran to catch the bus. Sina runs and eats the sandwich in her mouth. Couldn't run well due to shoes not fitting well. She was stumbling again and again. So she took off her shoes and took them in hand. Jungkook ran in front of sina, lifting her onto his back. The others also started running. Sina's face turned red again. They come to the bus stand and do not see any bus there. Sina sat on the bench there and began to wear her shoes.
     "Did the bus leave?" Taehyung says.
     "At this time, the bus is supposed to come! Or are we late?" Ahna says. The bus honks and relieves them all. Their faces look triumphant. The driver opens the door and says, "Wow! You are on time today."
     "Yes, uncle. But why is it so late?" Ahna asks.
     "From now on, I will come at this time. The bus schedule has changed." said the bus driver.
     "If you were a little late, everyone would have started beating me." Sina said while going inside of the bus.
     "Shouldn't we? It's because of you that we're late everyday." Ahna says. The bus driver started laughing after listening to them and started driving the bus.

School summer vacation notice comes. Today is their last class. So the school leaves them after the tiffin period. Going down by the stairs, Sina said, "School is closed early today. Shall we go to the secret place?"
     "For what?" Ahna asks.
     "Make some plans." A mischievous smile appeared on sina's face.
     "OK! Deal!" Ahna agrees to Sina's words. The others also agree. They go to their secret place together. First they go to Sina's house. Sina enters her bedroom. The others follow her. Takes a book from the bedroom bookshelf and opens it. The book is a box. Inside the box, there was a switch. When she pressed the switch, the bookshelf moved sideways. Cave-like space behind the shelf. Stairs for going down. Surrounded by walls. Sina leaves the book in its place before going down the stairs. The others followed her down. There are sofas and a tea-table for sitting on the left side of the stairs. There is a big table in front of that. Many computers are kept on the table. Sina turns on those computers. They sit on the sofa.
     "How long have you not come here? When was the last time?" Ahna asks.
     "The day before yesterday. I was bored. So I thought let's see how my memory is doing here!" Sina said while making coffee.
     "Our writings are still here." Jungkook said, looking behind the sofa.
     "I remember those days very much." Taehyung says with a cup of coffee in hand.
     "Jina, let me tell you. The landlord didn't tell me there was such a place when I moved into this house. I saw the book when I cleaned everything. The box type book. Then I saw the switch there. Later I saw that there is such a place here. I was very scared while going down. If I get stuck! So I called Ahna in advance for that. So that she can save me if I am trapped below. I was so happy to come down later and see such a beautifully organized place. Since then it has been our secret place. We come here before the exam and plan how to cheat in the exam. Haha." Sina laughed.
     "You were once caught while cheating. What did sir say to you later?" Taehyung asks.
     "He just let me go. What else can he say?!" Sina says. Jina looked around. Suddenly her eyes stuck in one place. She gets up and goes there. There was something red on the wall. As soon as she put her hand there, the wall opened. She took a step back in fear. They all get up and go to Jina. It feels like a room inside. Sina walks into the room and backs away in fear. 

Jina does her part-time job at night. She noticed that the people of that day were wandering around the shop. When she goes home after work, she again realizes that those men are following her. She went straight home without taking any further steps. Those people saw her entering the house and left. Jina watches them leave through the window.

The next day, jina does her work all the time. No lunch break. She was inside the shop all the time. And outside of the shop, those people are roaming again. Afternoon turned into night. She calls someone before closing the store. She hung up after ringing four times. Then she closed the shop and went home. All around is silent, deserted. As jina walked, she looked at the street mirror stand and saw a black car following her very slowly. She saw this car standing in front of her store for two hours. The car was not there before the store was closed. Now they came after her again. She also started walking slowly. Suddenly the car increases its speed and stopped in front of Jina. She chuckled and said slowly, "That's what I want". Some people got down from the car and tied her face and took her into the car.

Yeonjun grabs his phone to check jina's location before falling asleep. He sees her location was stopped in an alley. He rushes out of the house and goes to that spot. Jina was not found there. But when he finds her phone lying on the street, he realizes that she has been kidnapped. He takes out his phone and calls someone. After ringing for a while, someone from the otherside answered the phone and said hello in a deep voice. Yeonjun then says, "340140". The man with the heavy voice on the other side said "OK" and hung up. Just then, a message came from that number on his phone. Yeonjun calls taehyung excitedly after seeing the message, "The adventure starts from...NOW!"

To Be Continued...

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