Friends Life- 30

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Jina looked around

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Jina looked around. Suddenly her eyes stuck in one place. She gets up and goes there. There was something red on the wall. As soon as she put her hand there, the wall opened. She took a step back in fear. They all get up and goes to her. It feels like a room inside. Sina walks into the room and backs away in fear. Jina turned on the torch of her phone and entered the room. The rest also turned on the light of their phone and entered. Steel shelves are lined up in the room. Among them are gold bars, packets of drugs in boxes. And there are some files on other shelves. Jina takes a file from 2013. It is clearly written that they want to sell drugs by eun ji hoon. Eun Jihoon agrees to their proposal. The paper has no value just because it doesn't have his signature. Jina saw the paper and sat down. Tears welled from her eyes. Seeing her sitting down, the others went to her. Yeonjun took the file from her hand and started reading. Sina said standing in front of a shelf a little further, "What is it?" Everyone went there after listening to her. There are many packets in a box. And in those packets there were many pen drives. The year is written on the packet. Jina took the pen drive packets of 2013 from there and left the room and sat in front of the computer. The computer was already on. She took out the pen drives and plugged them into the computer one by one and started watching the videos stored there. What happened to her father, how they gave fake gold instead of real gold, all the videos are there. Even what happened to her mother was on those videos. Tears kept falling from Jina's eyes. Sina says while watching the videos, "Oh wait! This guy came to my house one day." Sina pointed to one of the taejun's employees.
     "Came to your house? What for?" Ahna ask.
     "Don't know. It happened after our final exam last year. I was cooking. Then the doorbell rang. After opening the door, this man saw me and entered straight to my bedroom. After looking at the bookshelf for a while, he went straight out of the house. I closed the door later. No one has ever come like this before. And I have known about this place since before this guy came." Sina says. Jina stares at the computer. Yeonjun took the pen drive from the computer and walked away with all the pen drives on the table and said, "I'm going to the police."
     "Not now!" Jina stopped him and said, "Don't you want to have an adventure? Let's do that."

They sat round on the sofa and began to plan.
Yeonjun: I now give these pen drives to the police. Then no one will be harmed.
Sina: There will be no fun then!
Jina: Don't make any progress now. Let them kidnap me first. Otherwise they will run away again. And I don't want to miss this opportunity. I don't know when they will kidnap me. But whenever they do, Yeonjun, you will do what I told you. And the rest of you will be at the police station with taehyung, taking these pen drives with you. Yeonjun will call taehyung. Then you will go inside the police station. But not all. Ahna and sina, you will wait outside for taehyung and jungkook in the car. They will go inside and show the evidence to the police. Which of you has a car?
Jungkook: I have!
Jina: Then the four of you will park the car in front of the police station and wait there. After Yeonjun's call, Taehyung and Jungkook will go inside. You two will wait in the car.
Sina: Ugh why? I want to go inside too!
Jina: Try to understand! When you girls go, they won't want to hear anything. And taehyung and jungkook! Make sure you go in such a way that they don't think you're a middle school senior. Dress up like high school students. After that, when the police are ready with their team, you all pick up yeonjun and go to the location.
Taehyung: How do we get the location?
Jina: One will give yeonjun in time. Some of my men will also go there to protect you.
Sina: No wait! Protect means? We do not need any protection!
Ahna: It's good to have some more people in our teams. Then the team will be heavy. But there was one thing. If we tell the police, we don't need to go to that place. The police will do their job.
Jina: What do you think? Can the police do any work silently? Always honking the car horn. By then, they will run away with me. Then it will be more difficult for me to fight. You will go there and see some people standing outside in black outfits. When they see your car, they will open that door. After 7 seconds of opening, you will speed up your car and enter the room. It will be a warehouse. You don't need to see who got hit by the car and who survived. Only 7 seconds after opening the door, you will enter that room. One more thing to make sure, when the door will open, no one can see your car from inside the house. Then if you want, you can fight with them till the police come. If you don't want to, keep them locked up. Do you understand the plan?
Sina: Yes! Mission Warehouse!!
Everyone: Warehouse!!

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