Chapter 1 The Beginning

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The year was 1495 AD and there was a man called Vlad Temps. He was a man with means a well off man. Everyone believed him to be a solitary man but he was more than that. Vlad Temps was a vampire. He feed on humans but he only killed humans if he had to, he never drained them dry because he knew that people would hunt him down. Vlad had been around for centuries already.

One day his eye caught the eye of a beautiful young Gypsy girl named Ariana. Ariana's people was traveling the country side in Romania when they decided to stay near the village where Vlad lived. One day Ariana was in the village with her brother and uncle when Vlad was there. He saw her and smiled at her she smiled back. Some of the people in the village didn't like newcomers and didn't want to do business with gypsies. Vlad didn't like this he walked over to them and spoke,"Hello I am Vlad Temps you are new here. I see that the villagers are not so welcoming to you. Let me see what I can do. Here let me see your list." "Hello my name is Calron this is my nephew Tythem and my niece Ariana. Thank you Vlad here is our list," said Calron. "Nice to meet all of you," said Vlad taking the list. Then he excused himself and several minutes later came back with everything. Calron wanted to thank him so he invited Vlad back to their camp for dinner. Vlad agreed to be there. Later that evening Vlad showed up at the campsite. Calron had told his grandmother Fycia about Vlad helping them and agreed that Calron did the right thing inviting him to dinner. Fycia was the Grand Gypsy Mother to all and she had the power to see things. Vlad showed up that evening Ariana was happy to see him and because he was invited to the campsite even Fycia could not see through to his true self. But Vlad could sense her powers and was very careful around her. Vlad could eat food if he chooses to. They all enjoyed dinner and Fycia told Calron to show him around. For a little bit Calron did but then Ariana found him and told him that Fycia wanted him. So Calron asked,"Ariana please be a good hostess to our guest and show him around." So Ariana showed Vlad around. Vlad really liked her and spoke,"Are all the girls in your camp as beautiful as you are or is it just you, Ariana?" Ariana blushed and spoke,"Thank you but I'm not the most beautiful here." "Speak for yourself but I have seen many of the girls here and granted they are very pretty but none are by far as beautiful as you," said Vlad. Then he kissed her hand.

The gypsies stayed for several months and Ariana would go meet with Flat and spend time with him. Ariana was eighteen at the time and unwed. Eventually her and Vlad did bed down together multiple Times. Vlad had to leave for a couple of weeks and while he was gone the villagers were very unwelcoming to the gypsies. Ariana found out that she wasn't feeling well and her Uncle Calron brought her to Fycia. Fycia looked her over and discovered that Ariana was with child. But there was something about this baby that was different that Fycia sensed. They knew Vlad was gone so they waited for him to come back.

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