Chapter 10: The Birth

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The months seemed slowly go by but Amy was getting close to her due date and she was big. The babies were draining her energy.

When she was six months along she had to start drinking blood for the babies it gave her strength to carry them to full term. Her blood intake grew the further along her pregnancy got.

She was now taking in 2 to 3 gallons of blood a day. When Ashley was home he would go hunting and bring back blood for Amy and the babies.

This day the blood supply ran out and Elle didn't want to leave her alone but she knew that Amy needed the blood and Ashley and the guys were in Santa Barbara, California doing an interview.

Elle tried not to take to long. She was gone for about 45 minutes. But she told Amy to stay in bed till she got back.

Which Amy did .

Elle got back fixed a glass for Amy and took it to her. Amy was halfway through with it when she Fletcher water break. She looked at Elle and spoke,"Oh my!"

"What not enough you need more? The babies are active?" asked Elle.

"No my water just broke," said Amy.

Elle spoke,"I'll see to the bed sheets then call ashley. Here I'll help you up." Elle helped Amy get up then changed the sheets Then laid her back down after putting clean clothes on her and propped her up. Then she called Ashley.

"Ashley its Elle you need yo get home now. Amy"s water broke about ten minutes ago. I think she'll be going into hard labor maybe in a couple of hours."

"Hello oh hey Elle. What?! Oh no in in Santa Barbara just finished up with the interview. She wasn't due for another week. How can this be? Let me talk to her? Babe!" said Ashley.

Elle gave Amy the phone saying,"Here amy its Ashley."

"Ashley! Ashley I need you the babies are coming early. Please come home. I can't have these babies without you," said Amy.

"Babe I'm on my way. Babe if you have to have the babies but I'll be there. Love you see you soon," said Ashley.

Then he hung up and told the guys. They quickly went to the airport and took a flight. It took four hours to get home.

Amy fought to keep from having the babies. She kept talking to them,"Babies please wait for your daddy to come home. Please don't come yet. Daddy's coming home."

Amy had now dilated to ten cm and went into hard labor. The babies did indeed try to wait they understood but could no longer wait. Their lives and Amy's life was starting to becomel endangered.

Amy screamed in pain just as Ashley walked through the door. He looked up the stairs and took them three at a time. He burst through the bedroom door.

Amy was sweating she looked up and saw him and stretched her hand towards him and spoke,"Your here look babies daddy's home. Ugh! Ashley!"

Ashley quickly went to her side. Amy squeezed his hand he looked at Elle and spoke,"How long has she been in hard labor?"
"Ashley her and the babies have been waiting for you. They couldn't wait any longer without all their lives being in danger. She's been in hard labor maybe thirty minutes." said Elle.

"Thirty minutes. Amy babe you need to push now. The babies need to come out for all of your sakes. Push Amy! Push now!" said Ashley.

Then Amy started pushing. Elle was ready she saw a head of dark hair she spoke,"I see dark hair the first one is coming."

Andy and the others were downstairs waiting. They all heard the first baby cry.

"Its a boy," said Elle. She quickly cleaned him up then she was ready for the second child.

Three minutes later Amy gave birth yo their little girl.

Amy was exhausted.

The guys heard the second baby'S cries.

Ashley kissed Amy's for head and he and Amy held the babies. Both babies had Brown eyes but They we're a very light brown not like Ashley 's dark Brown. But they knew that there could be differences.

Ashley told her he wanted to show the guys their babies.

Amy laid down Elle saw to her while Ashley brought the babies downstairs. "Guys I want you all to meet my son Ashton Abrocket Purdy and my daughter Abigail Ann Purdy. Ashton was born first three minutes later Abigail was born. Amy is resting she's exhausted."

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