Chapter 16 Poison & Bloodletting

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The next day Ashley wasn't feeling well he didn't want to get out of bed so he stayed in bed and slepted most of the day. Several people came and went all day on the tour bu Ashley wasn't aware of it.

After about 2pm Jake spoke, "Hey Andy where is Ashley?"

Andy looked around around then spoke,"Hmm I gyess he hasn't gotten up he's probably just still pouting about last night."

"I thought you two made up?" CC.

"Yeah we did I even promised him I would be the bad dad next time." Andy.

"Ok then why hasn't he come up front?" Jinxx.

Andy thought about it then said,"Hehe! I'll go see what he is doing."

Then Andy went in the back he found Ashley asleep he kissed him then shook him gently but Ashley didn't move then Andy spoke "Ashley hon wake up it's Andy. Ashley wake up!"

Then Andy turned him over and could see Ashley was struggling in his sleep some kind of nightmare but vampires don't have nightmares. Then Andy yelled shaking Ashley, "Ashley! Ashley. wake up! Wake up Ashley! ASHLEY!"

The others heard Andy yelling they ran to the room Andy looked at them and spoke, "I can't wake him up something's wrong it looks like he's having a nightmare but vampires don't dream. I don't know what to do."

Jake went to him had Jinxx walk him to the chair sat him down then Jake spoke, "Ok so you don't know what's going on will your dad be able to know."

"Maybe yes my dad." Andy.
"CC call Chris tell him what's going on we need him here." Jake.

They stayed there for two days then Chris got there he checked Ashley out then asked questions, "No dad he didn't do anything different. The night before we were playing around then made love then the next morning I found him like this." Andy.

"Ok I believe it to be magic and with this kind there is only one way to cure him and your not going to like it." Chris.

"Just tell me dad if it gets me my Ashy back I don't care." Andy.

"We have to bleed him out then give him good new blood but here's the thing it has to be human blood son." Chris.

"Dad no! That could change him make him into a blood thirsty vampire that's why we don't feed on that much human blood." Andy.

"I know son but it's the only cure so let's get him back home and you will need to send the children away they are half human he will smell that. They are defenseless you are not he could kill them." Chris.

"Yes sir!" Andy. And they went home and did what his father said and they all waited while Chris did the bleedletting on Ashley and replaced his tainted blood with fresh human blood.

Ashley opened his eyes and his fangs came out as he felt the fresh human blood running through his veins. He broke his binds and it took all four of them to hold him down. It hurt Andy looking at Ashley like this. It was like looking at a wild animal.

Ashley screamed and yelled he threatened them all if they didn't let him go. But they held him down.

But suddenly Ashley broke free hissed at all of them and made a break for the door. He turned looked at Andy then spoke,"You fools you can't keep me here."

"Ashley please you're sick we're trying to make you better." Andy.

Ashley looked at him and spoke,"Make me better you bastard being without you will make me better. You all are insects that deserves to die."

Suddenly Andy hit him so hard he went straight through the door and spoke,"I'm sorry he was losing it. That's not my Ashy, Dad?"

"You're right Andrew it's the fresh blood it can change a vampire to something like that. Andrew he needs to be restrained till all the fresh human blood runs its course." Chris.

"Yes father how long will that take?" Andy.

"Several days, a week at the most. Sorry son he will say things that will hurt you and the others, it is not him." Chris.

Andy looked at the guys and spoke, "You don't have to be here. This is something I have to do."

"Andy we're family we're all here for both of you." Jake.

So Andy let them stay.

While Ashley laid there his hair suddenly had streaks of a lighter color. The kids had to stay away and Andy told them,"Kids you can't come home right now you have to stay with Aunt Elle. Your daddy is very sick and we don't want you two to get sick. When he gets better then you can come home. We love you!" Andy.

A week went by and finally Ashley was settling down he wasn't so violent anymore then he just sat up on the bed when Andy walked in.

"Ashley!" Andy.

"Andy what happened?" Ashley.

"You don't remember what happened?" Andy.

"The last thing I remembered was us making up about you saying I could be the cool dad next time." Ashley.

The others walked in and Andy spoke,"Ashley that was almost two weeks ago. Baby you've been real sick."

"What?Where are the kids?" Ashley.

"The kids are fine they are with their Aunt Elle my dad has been here to help you. Some kind of curse but you are better now." Andy kissing him.

Ashley looked at him then the others then touched Andy's face and spoke,"Why do I have the feeling that I did or said something wrong. Andy you look exhausted."

"I'm alright now that you're better I'm fine. I love you Ashley." Andy.

Ashley smiled then kissed him then he got up said hello to everyone and went up front. He feed on some animal blood and they gave him another day to get better.

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