Chapter 9: Telling the Guys (BVB)

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Ashley wanted to talk,"Amy we need to talk you are starting to show and the guys will wonder why your not around. So I think it's time to tell them about the babies and about being married."

"Yes Ashley I think your right. Besides I think the guys will make great godfathers/uncles. Don't you think so Ashley." said Amy.

"Yes Amy I think so. I love you and I love you too my babies," said Ashley kissing her stomach twice smiling.

So they made plans to meet up with the guys at Jinxx's studio apartment.

So st 7pm everyone met up at Jinxx"s and Ashley and Amy stood in front of them speaking,"Guys I guess you're wondering why we are all meeting up here. Well its because Amy and I have an announcement to make." Ashley looked at Amy and held her hand Then spoke again,"First of all Amy and I got married a couple of weeks ago."

"Wow Ashley we never thought you would get married," said CC.

Ashley smiled.

"Wait he said first of all do there must be more news to tell us," said Jinxx.

"Yes there is...." said Ashley.

Andy smiled slightly then Jake spoke,"So what is it?"

"Any and I are going to have babies," said Ashley.

Amy stepped up and spoke,"Twins to be exact."

"Twins but how," asked CC.

"Doesn't matter how guys they ate going to be parents. I'm happy for you two really I am," said Andy.

"So what are you going to have?" asked Jinxx.

"We found out today we're having a boy and a girl," said Ashley."No that's not what I meant. What I meant was are you going to have human babies or vampires or would they be like Andy here," said Jinxx.

"Jinxx I can't believe you just asked that," said Jake.

"Well someone had to ask," said Jinxx.

Andy stood upwalked over to Amy put his hand on her stomach.

Amy could feel the babies move when he touched her.

Andy tilted his his head then spoke,"They are like me I can hear their fast heartbeats." Andy smiled Amy and Ashley smiled at him he looked at Ashley touched his shoulder turned and Sat down.

The others just looked at him then Ashley spoke,"True the doctor was a little concerned about their fast heartbeats. Andy what do you think we should do? I mean if they are half vampire will it be safe for them to be born in a human hospital," said Ashley.

"Can't really answer that Ashley but if you like I can ask my dad he might have some good insight," said Andy.

"Ashley whatever you think we should do," said Amy.

"I think asking Vlad would be very good. Please Andy thank you," said Ashley.

"Very well!" said Andy. Then he pulled out his phone and called his dad and told him everything.

Vlad was happy for Ashley. He always liked Ashley. Then he told Andy some thing.

After Andy hung up the phone he spoke,"Alright first my father wanted me to tell you he's very happy for you in finding happiness with Amy and secondly happy for the news of the babies."

"Aww he's so sweet your dad," said Ashley.

"Yes my dad is. Anyway he said it's best if you did not have the babies in a hospital. But however he knows someone who has a daughter who was a Midwife and she can deliver your babies. Her name is Elle spoke she is a vampire. Here's her phone number give her my dad's name," said Andy.

"What's his name?" asked Amy.

"Vlad Temps!" said Andy.

"Oh tell him thank you for US Andy," said Amy.

Ashley called then set up to meet with her.

Elle moved near them so she could get to them quickly.

Jake met Elle and they both instantly liked each other and started a relationship and Elle and Amy became close friends.

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