Chapter 4: The Band and chance meeting

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All of them have had different types of trade and skills and one day they saw a KISS concert and Andrew knew what he wanted to do. So they studied music and had Andrew write several songs then in 2005 they came out with the band Black Veil Brides. At first only Andrew (which at the time called himself Andy Sixx) was in the band but over a few years they decided they all wanted to be seen in the band. Sometimes Andrew now Andy would pretend to work on songs which he had already had. They each went by names their fans gave them or nicknames. Andrew went by Andy, Ashley was either Ash or Purdy, Jeremy was Jinxx, Jacob was Jake and Christian was CC. They loved being a part of a band and they had plenty of access to fresh blood and their vampire powers made people forget if they Fed on them and healed the bite marks.
Black Veil Brides did what they have always did. One day they we're in Los Angeles doing a concert and after the concert they were backstage signing autographs when this girl walked right up to Ashley staring him down. Ashley smiled at her and said,"Who to sign it to?" She bent over looked around to make sure no one could hear then said one word,"Vampire!" Ashley 's eyes went wide he looked over at the others Andy immediately picked up on Ashley 's concerns.
During the concert Amy Logan went to it she has always liked BVB and she knew something was off about them every since she saw the Fallen Angel video. She couldn't figure it out until that night she saw them in person. When Black Veil Brides stepped out on the stage Amy could immediately see their aura's pulsing they were a strange color especially Andy's. His was a pure white light where as the others were a bright blue. Then she knew when Ashley looked straight towards her she caught a glimpse of his silver eyes but no one else could see it. Amy had always been told she has the ability to see people for what they really are. She knew they were vampires but their aura's weren't dark and nasty looking they were bright and beautiful. She knew then these vampires were good ones.
Amy knew she could be asking for trouble when she said vampire to Ashley. Ashley was her favorite BVB band member. She stood back But did not leave she waited until everyone else did then Andy quickly went to her pinning her to the wall speaking,"Gypsy! Are you a gypsy?" "No! I'm not a gypsy I don't think so at least," said Amy. "Then how do you know what we are?" asked Andy. "My grandmother said that I have the ability to see people for what they really are and I see you all of you," said Amy. "Hmmm!" said Andy looking at her. Then Ashley pulled him away speaking,"Andy let her explain. Not everyone is our enemy or gypsies," said Ashley. "Explain!" said Andy. "Well I've always liked your band and music and when I saw the Fallen Angels video I knew something was off about all of you. But television filters the truth so I didn't see the real you until tonight on stage. When you came out on the stage I saw your aura's. Andy's is a pure bright white light I've never seen that and Ashley you and the guys your aura's are a light blue. Then I saw your eyes Ashley they were silver don't worry no one else saw it. You didn't really change them I just saw them. Don't worry I would never tell anyone besides with those color aura's you have to be good. Vampires have dark and nasty aura's especially the real bad one's," said Amy. They took her to the tour bus and talked a while with her then later that night Ashley walked her to her car but he didn't come straight back. He had been coming on to her the whole night and she knew that Andy was watching her close so when he walked her back to her car she unlocked it and opened the back door and pulled him in there with her. Then she started kissing him he kissed back. Then immediately took her pants and panties down then his own pants and briefs and without any hesitation he started having sex with her. Amy enjoyed him so much inside of her she let him slam into her over and over and over and over again. At about 4am he finished she left he got her number and address then went back to the bus. The others were minding their own business when ashley walked in. Andy could smell her all over him he stood up and spoke,"You have got to be fucking kidding me. You fucked her. Ashleyvare you stupid she knows what we are she can expose us." "Relax Andy she enjoyed herself and so did I." said Ashley flopping down on the couch putting his feet on the coffee table. "All this, what we have here we can lose it and our lives all because you just had to get your dick wet," said Andy. Ashley frowned at him then put his feet down stood up and spoke,"Oh like none of us didn't get our ducks wet over the pass centuries uh! Andy you included." Andy just stood there and then walked to the back closungvthe door behind him. Ashley looked at the others and said,"What?" "Ashley you can't talk to Andy like that," said Jinxx. "Really well I just did and someone needs to stand up to him and being that I was the first here I did it. Now I need some whiskey," said Ashley. He started to walk into the kitchen but suddenly felt a pain in his back and stumbled and collapsed. The others watched and saw Andy standing there with bloody fingernails he looked at the others his fangs showing then spoke,"Anyone else want to speak their peace." "Andy you killed him you killed Ashley," said Jake. Andy stepped over Ashley then spoke,"He's not dead I didn't kill him that only renders him immobile for a little bit. Its not like it's the first time I did this to him. Ashley can be a bit head strong at times especially since he's 3 centuries old. Just let this be a lesson for the rest of you, don't undermine me," said Andy then stepping back over Ashley. About two hours later Ashley woke up stood up looked at the others then walked out the bus without a word. He didn't come back that whole day. Andy was ferocious he knew where he went to.

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