Chapter 6: What the fuck? Surprise!

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Ashley was planning to get off the plane in Los Angeles where their lay over was. He said hid good byes and found Amy walking in just as he said good bye. She walked over said hello to everyone and visited a few minutes before the guys boarded their next flight. Then Amy took Ashley to her apartment. They had sex a lot of sex and a couple of times when Amy started getting exhausted Ashley didn't want to stop so he gave her a little of his blood. Ashley stayed there with Amy for two and a half months. They made love/sex almost every night. Finally Ashley knew he had to head back ans said good bye. Amy had Bern on birth control but for some reason Ashley 's vampire blood counter acted it and it quit working but neither one of them knew this.

Nearly three months had gone by since Amy had seen adhley. BVB (Black Veil Brides for short) was working on another album and music videos but he did call her at work a lot.

One day she was at work and in the back talking to her boss when the room began to spin. Amy was friends with her bods Mitchell he was gay and fun to hang out with. Amy nearly fell over but Mitch caught her and Sat her down saying,"You alright sweetie? You nearly fell over." "Sorry the room just suddenly started spinning. I'm fine I think I'm coming down with something. I've been having an upset stomach for a few days," said Amy. "Amyvnothing is going around. Sweetie are you on birth control? I know you've been seeing some guy and he's answered your phone a few times," said Mitch. "What? No of course I'm on birth control What are you saying? No I can't be," said Amy. "Sweetie birth control has been known to quit working. Personally I think you should go see your doctor. If you want I can go with you during lunch," said Mitch. Amy took his advice and went he drove her there. Amy took a pregnancy test and waited after several minutes the results came back. Amy was pregnant the doctor couldn't tell Amy how fat she was or when the birth control stopped so he did an ultrasound for her. According to the fetus's measurements Amy found out she was thirteen weeks along. Amy was upset on the ride back to work. Mitch tried to calm her down,"Look Amy I'm sure that if he is a good guy he'll be understanding about the baby." "You don't understAnd Mitch. Huh! Ashley Purdy is the father," said Amy. "What? Wait are you talking about the Black Veil Brides's Ashley Purdy?" asked Mitch. "Yep the one and only. Please don't say anythin. We've been seeing each other quietly no one knows about it," said Amy. "Not even the rest of BVB?" asked Mitch. "No! I mean of course they know about us I mean the fans and other people. I trust you you're my friend. Now I have to call him but I just don't understand how that could have happen."said Amy.

They got to work and finished the day out then Amy went home it was getting late. She finally decided to call Ashley at 12:45am.

"Hello! Oh hey bandits late what is it you don't call me this late on a work night?" said Ashley. "Ashley I have something to tell you. Are you alone?" said Amy. Ashley got up and went to a room and closed the door then spoke,"Yeah babe I'm alone now what is it?" "Ashley I went to the doctor today. Mitch my gay friend thought I should after my dizzy spell," said Amy. "Wait you had a dizzy spell?" asked Ashley. "Yes adhley please it's important what I have to say," said Amy. "Ok say it I'm listening babe," said Ashley. "Ashley I went for a certain test and it came bsck positive.... Ashley I'm thirteen week's pregnant...." said Amy. There was silence on the other end of the phone for several seconds "Ashley are you there.... Ashley!" said Amy. When Amy said those words 'in thirteen weeks pregnant' all color in Ashley 's face went out and he flopped down on the bed speechless then spoke after Amy said his name a second time,"Amy how can this be. I mean whether you were on birth control or not Mr being a vampire should not have been able to get you pregnant." "But Ashley is that not how Andy came tough be. I mean that is why his arua is different from y he rest of you I figured that out," said Amy.

"Yeah! But! Well I guess it can happen. Thirteen weeks huh! But that would mean I got you pregnant the last time I was with you. You're almost 3 1/2 months. Alright look I have another week of these recording sessions to do and when I'm done I'll take a flight out there. Say nothing to anyone. Well figure this out I promise. I love you babe," said Ashley.

Amy spoke with him a few more minutes then got off. Ashley didn't say anything to anyone.

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