Chapter 17 Horrible Loses

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The next day after Andy and Ashley made love to each other they went together to get the children.

Ash and Abby were so happy to see their dads. When Ashley walked in Ash and Abby yelled, "Daddy!"

Ashley hgged them then they spoke,"Daddy you all better now. Daddy Andy said you were very sick. You all better now daddy."

"Yes Abby daddy is all better." Ashley.

"Can we come home now daddy?" both kids.

"Yes you can come home with me and daddy Andy." Ashley.

Andy stood there smiling they stayed a few minutes then they all left. Andy made a day of it for the whole family. They went to the park and him and Ashley sat there watching the kids play. They were talking and laughing enjoying there time out then Ashley sitting there felt the sun on his skin closed his eyes the spoke,"It feels like its been so long since I felt the sun on my skin it feels great." Ashley.

Ashley smiled at Andy then a couple of young women came over and spoke,"You're Andy Biersack and Ashley Purdy from Black Veil Brides."

"Yes hi!" Andy and Ashley smiled.

"Can we get your autograph?" fans.

"Sure." Andy then he sighed then Ashley sighed.

Andy saw Abby fall and she start crying Andy went to her and picked her up saying, "What happened Abby?"

"I fell."Abby crying.

Ashley walked over touched her head and spoke,"What happened?"

"She fell," Andy.

"Oh I know someone whose tired and ready for a nap." Ashley.

Then Abby laid her head down on Andy's shoulder yawning and said,"I'm not tired daddy."
Andy smiled rocked her then Ashley spoke,"Sure your not. I'll get Ash you take Abby to the car."

Andy left then Ashley went to Ash speaking,"Ash!Ashton come on we're going home. It's time for you and your sister to take a nap."

"But daddy I'm not tired that's just Abby." Ash.

"Ash listen to me we're going." Ashley.

"No!I want to play." Ash.

Ashley shook his head then he walked over to Andy who just finished putting Abby in the SUV. He turned then Ashley spoke,"He's being difficult he's not listening to me."

"It's alright I've got him you get in the car." Andy touching Ashley's arm then went to Ash.

"Ash! Come here now. You heard what your dad said we're leaving now come!" Andy.

Ash started pouting Andy took his hand and went to the car Ash started making a fuss.

"Daddy Andy please let me play some more." Ash.

"No! We're going home." Andy putting him in the car Sh struggling.

Ashley had enough and turned with his fangs showing and his eyes silver spoke,"Ash stop it now! Don't. struge let your daddy Andy put your seatbelt on."

Ash got upset his dad has never done that to hi and Andy was surprised too.

Ashley wasn't quite himself since the bleedout. Andy's dad did tell him there maybe some changes to Ashley.

The people/fans were in earshot and heard them talking and knew that they were in a relationship with each other.

As Andy drove them home he looked at Ashley who was rubbing his head spoke, "Ashley you alright?"

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