Chapter 12: Two Years later

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The kids were now two years old and Ashley and Amy had a weekend together while Andy had the kids. They spent the weekend making loving the way they had done before the children came along. The following week Black Veil Brides had to go on tour that would have them gone for two and a half months. So while they were gone Elle came ov a lot to spend time with Amy and the kids. One dy Amy wasn't feeling well she was setting hurting badly in her stomach the pain got so bad she collapsed from it. The kids found her laying on the floor of the din when they came back with Elle. "Mommy! Mommy get up! Mommy are you sleeping," said Ash and Abby. Elle saw them and quickly checked her out. Amy finally came to Elle helped her up on the cou then Amy spoke,"Elle something is wrong I'm having rea)y bad pain inz My stomach. I need to go to the hospital." "Of course kids come on we have to take your mommy somewhere. I'll call Ashley if you want me to," said Elle. "No don't w or him right now let me find out what's going on," said Amy. Elle agreed and t9k her to the hospital. While there they did an ultrasound and found out the problem. It turned out that Amy had a tubeualical pregnancy which was dangerous for her and it showed that she was nearly two months along. This was sad news for her because the fetus would not be able to survive and if it kept growing it would kill Amy. So the doctor's had to abort the pregnancy wh I upset Amy any she knew Ashley would be upset. After they did the operation Amy left and told Elle wh happened after the kids weren't in earshot. Amy cred about it then Elle spoke,"Amy you need to call Ashley and tell him. He needs to know." "No he's busy il tell him later maybe when he vs home. I don't want to distract him and worry him." said Amy. "Amy you should tell him if you wait for him to come home it will upset him. Tell him." said Elle. "I can't Elle I just can't," said Amy breaking down crying. A few seconds later her phone rang it was Ashley. She dried her tears and answered the phone "Hello Ashley! How is everything going?" said Amy. "Hi babe its going great but I feel like there's something wrong. I needed to call you. Is everything alrig?" said Ashley. Amy knew that her and Ashley had a deep connection not as deep as him and Andy has but their connection was still deep and she didn't think that he would have sensed something was wrong. She looked at Elle shook her head and really hated that connection they had Then broke down crying,"Oh Ashley!" "What?What is it babe? Is it the children are they alright? Is it you something wrong?" asked Ashley very concerned. "No the kids are fine. Ashley Elle had to make me to the hospital I was in a lot of pain. Oh Ashley I had a Tubeualical pregnancy they had to abort it they said it wouldn't have survive and it could have killed me. Ashley!" said Amy. Ashley stood there placing his hand on his head and was speechless for several minutes then tears an his face the guys happen to see him crying then Ashley spoke,"Oh babe!" "Ashley I was was months along if it ad grown any larg3 the doctor said it would have killed me. They said the baby wasn't vivible. Oh Ashley thy aborted our baby. I don't know what to do. Please forgive me," said Amy.

"Amy babe its not your fault it just happened. I just wish I could be there for you. Does the children know about the baby?" said Ashley.

"No I haven't told them besides they are still young," said Amy.

"Babe as soon as I can get home I'll be there and we'll tell the kids together alright. I love you," said Ashley.

They talked for awhile then after he got off Andy walked over to him and spoke,"What is it Ashley?"

"Amy had a tubical pregnancy th he hospital had to abort it or it would have killed Amy they said it wasn't it wouldn't survive. Oh Andy she's hurting badly she blames herself. She begged me to forgive her," said Ashley.

"Its not her fault things happen. I sm truly sorry for you two," said Andy.

"Thank you Andy," said Ashley.

Andy looked at the others and said,"We need to see about getting Ashley home to be with his family. Get Bob on the phone."

Andy spoke with Bob But Bob couldn't cancel any of the tours because They would lose out on a lot of money not to mention the fans would be disappointed. Do they had to finish out the last two weeks of the European tour.

Ashley called Amy several Times everyday. Finally the two weeks were up and they headed home.

Elle was at the airport to pick Jake up and Ashley quickly grabbed his things and hailed a cab and went straight home.

When he walked into the house he dropped his bags and found Amy at the kitchen table with the twins feeding them. He ran up to her saying,"Babe!" then hugged her.

Amy stood up started crying and threw her arms around him.

He held her for the longest and he too was crying.

Abby spoke,"Daddy! Why you and mommy crying?"

He looked at her then sat down and he and Amy told them about the baby.

"Ash, Abby do you remember when mommy wasn't feeling well?"

"Yes," they both said.

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