Chapter 2: The Hybrid

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One day Fycia went to Ariana's wagon to speak to her and found her drinking blood that she had drained from a rabbit she caught. Fycia slapped it out of her hand speaking,"What are you doing child? You are drinking the blood of an animal. Blood is the life force of all living things. What is wrong with you?" "Fycia I stay hungry all the time when I eat food but when I drink this I feel satiated and full. The baby stays very active when I try to eat but when. I drink this the baby becomes satisfied. Fycia what is wrong with me," said Ariana. "Come sit let me see! Open yourself to me," said Fycia. Ariana Sat down gave her hand and opened herself. Fycia looked and sensed the baby'S ravenous appetite for blood/life force. Then she knew she gasped and pulled away from Ariana. "What? What did you see Fycia?" asked Ariana. "Your baby is not human completely!" said Fycia. "What do you mean it's not completely human?" asked Ariana touching her belly. "I have heard of these types of creatures but I thought that they were of legends not real but your child is proof of vampires being real," said Fycia. "Vampires! Fycia I have heard of the stories you told of vampires draining humans of their blood to stay young and live forever. Are you saying my child is a vampire?" asked Ariana. "It is half vampire you are human but it is apparent the father is a vampire. How could I not see him for what he truly is. Vlad Temps has fooled us all Vlad Temps is not human yet he has been alone with you with Calron and even your brother Tythem. Yet no one here has been feed on. Vlad will have some explaining to do when he comes back," said Lucia.

Finally Vlad came home victorious in his battle against an enemy of the village. Fycia sent for him to come visit them. She did not want to face him on his own ground. She placed powerful spells around the campsite. Vlad showed up and at first everything seemed alright but slowly Vlad started feeling weak but didn't think nothing of it. Fycia made Ariana stay in her wagon. The spells started to work Vlad stood and collapsed he looked at Fycia and spoke,"What have you done gypsy?" "Show your true self to me vampire,"said Fycia. Then Vlad's fangs showed and his eyes turned from a dark Brown to a silvery blue. He started moaning in pain Calron stood by.

Meanwhile Ariana was in her wagon and the baby started to become unsettled it sensed its father was in danger then it started to grow inside of her. At first Ariana felt a little sharp pain then a great pain and she started screaming. Calron heard her and he and Tythem ran to her when they saw her belly extended and her in great pain he called for Fycia. Fycia went to her. Vlad was fighting with all his strength he sensed the baby and feared for it's life. Fycia yelled,"Get a knife I need to cut the baby out of her before it rips it's way out. She will die if I don't." Calron gave her a knife and held Ariana. Fycia made the first cut then Ariana screamed and before Fycia could do anything else the baby made it's way out of the cut. The baby tore it's way out of her wound. Fycia held the knife ready to village baby. The first thing she saw was that the baby had blue within blue eyes, it cried out. As Fycia was about to bring the knife down onto the baby the door was ripped off it's hinges. Then Vlad quickly stepped in pushed Fycia aside knocking her away then throwing Calron across the room. Ariana had already passed from the blood loss. Quickly Vlad pulled the child out and bit the Umbilical cord and quickly left before Fycia and Calron could even get up. Vlad was sadden by Ariana's death but he did not want to lose his child too.

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