chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Evolution; The Great Lost

Have you ever wondered why dimensions were being created? Well, I can tell you why. It's because of ideas and thoughts about "What if this.." or "What if that happened?"
I'm your narrator, the master and watcher of the Miraculous universe and the worlds beyond. I've been watching these dimensions since the very beginning. Magical forces coming together in one dimension can be dangerous. But I'm here to tell you a story about two superheroes fighting one big villain to protect every universe known to man from harm. We will take our journey to a young teenager named Penny. Penny is a pig who lives with her family in London. She has gone through something that will forever leave her traumatized, but she became stronger and better thanks to our heroes; Ladybug and Cat Noir. So, join me, young reader and read along about the story of the Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir.

London city 10:00 pm...

It was a rainy day in the city of London, and people were living their own lives by working, playing, and falling in love. But the twist is, instead of just humans in this world, there are also talking animals that have an IQ of an average human or rather human intelligence. And that's where our story begins. How our young Penny has gone through a very dark matter and how this all started.
It all began with a couple of rich piggy parents driving around the city, heading towards the Lucella hospital. Mr. Pig and Mrs. Pig were in the car on the way there, testing out for a cure Mr. P made. Mrs. Pig had an anxious look on her face as she turned the wheel, driving on. He dozed off a bit. He's worried something bad will happen to him and his wife and that they will leave their 2 kids unsupervised.
"Mr. Pig, are you okay?" Mrs. Pig asked.
"No I'm not honey. I'm worried that something will go wrong with this cure we are taking. What if we get killed or become scary monsters by this? We don't know what will happen!" He replies, fearfully.
Mrs. Pig responds calmly.
"Honey listen, Mr. P. is not a bad person, he was never a bad person. He is willing to save his wife and create cures for all of us sick people, he would never hurt us at all. Trust me, my dear. I wouldn't ever lie to you."
She quickly leaned over as she pulled to a stop at the red light, kissing Mr. Pig on the cheek. They both felt more confident about going as they arrived just in time. As the couple stepped out of the car. Mr. P. was there, waving at the Mr. and Mrs. Pig, who were walking in a fancy little trot towards the front door.i
"It's good to see you, Mr. and Mrs. Pig!" Greets Mr. P. in a professional tone, shaking both of their hands with a pleasant smile. He leads them into the marble based building, chatting along the way until they reach the 3rd floor of the hospital, walking into a room.
"How are you this fine evening?" Mr. P asks, looking over his shoulder as he dug into a modern looking cabinet on the wall.
"We are doing well, Mr. P.." Mr. Pig says.
"So I guess we can try out this cure. The one that I made to cure my wife. I just need 2 people to test it on and that's why I chose you to drink this potion and see if it makes you guys stronger." Mr. P explains, holding a glass bottle filled with some liquid that he pulled from the cabinet.
"Yes, Mr. P. We are willing to help save your wife." Mr. Pig stated. As they talked about the matter at hand, Mr. P started acting weird. He started getting very tired and weak. He couldn't move much. Mr. Pig notices this and asks;
"Are you alright? Mr. P?"
"Yeah just a dizzy spell," Answers Mr. P, calmly. Finally, after checking around the room and gathering things, Mr. P handed out the potion. It was green and smelled like flowers but a little funky.
Mr. Pig and Mrs. Pig said; "Okay we are ready to test the cure."
"Alright, then drink this potion and let me know if y'all are having weird side effects." Mr. P.. instructs.
Mr. Pig and Mrs. Pig drank the potion and then after about 5 seconds, they felt stronger than ever before.
"Wow! I feel very energetic and healthy from this potion!" Exclaimed Mr. Pig, surprised by the outcome.
"Yes! I feel strong too. So does that mean the potion worked?" Mrs. Pig asked.
"Yes. It did, thank you so much for testing out this cure for me." Mr. P says With a smile on his face, his tone joyful.
"Happy to help." Mr. and Mr.s Pig say at the same time, sharing a smile with each other. The three of them left the room, heading down the elevator and outside.They spoke a little and were ready to say their goodbyes, but as they walked, Mr. P was having those dizzy side effects/spell again. Suddenly, a voice in his head spoke in a deep monotone voice.
Mr. P, Remember our deal, you know. I'm doing this to punish everyone who doesn't obey me, so you better have done everything right.
Yes Master, I've done everything just as you asked.
With that, Mr. P then walks along with the two other pigs, forcing on a smile.
"I wish you the best of luck with the cure, and I'm sure your beloved wife will return back to you soon." Mrs. Pig said, smiling as Mr. P nodded his thanks. Mr. Pig and Mrs. Pig left.
Mr. P then started laughing in a silent, terrifying way, crawling back inside his hospital.
"Everything is going exactly to plan..." He cackled.

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