chapter 5

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Chapter 5 illusion izir's, redemption arc

After Dream owl was akumatized,Ladybug and Cat noir will have to be a lot more careful now.  Monarch has made a big comeback after his akumatized battle. But… discovered something that he never thought he would discover, Ladybug's identity!! 

             A while later after the fight.

Marinette was back home just in time before it turned dark outside, and was more relaxed now that she jogged the whole way and as she got home she headed straight upstairs to her apartment and walked in all tired a bit and Sabian Said, "oh my dear Marinette what happened? It's been a very long time! Did something happen?" "No mom,I'm fine." Marinette says, yawning. "But,I got the paint that you need." Marinette handed Sabian the Pain and Sabian said "Thank you sweetie and thank you for taking your Saturday off for me and tomorrow I have a present for you." Sabian kissed Marinette on the cheek and Marinette went upstairs to her room and quickly changed in her pajamas and brushed her teeth before bed. "Tikki! Marinette! Your back, how was the mall, how much time did y'all spend?!" Fluff asked. "Oh just a few hours Fluff. And it's getting late, me and Marinette are about to head to bed. Come join us on her bunk bed if you like." Tikki replied. Fluff quickly says "yes" and Marinette went upstairs to her bunk bed all exhausted and Tikki and Fluff tucked Marinette tight and Marinette fell asleep and so did the Kwami's and they all had sweet dreams for the rest of the night…

                Back at Adrian's house 

      Cat noir used his bathroom window to detransform and went to go change and brush his teeth before bed but Adrian was not very happy after the events with Dream owl. But he calmed himself down and went to bed,and so did Plagg, all nice and calm,sleeping and probably dreaming about cheese….

          Izir was laughing and laughing because he found out Ladybugs' identity at last and turned to the kwami's smiling. "Well, my dear Kwami, looks like I found your little guardian's secret identity, and you're going to join me!" The kwami gasped and sass was terrified and he responded with "It's impossible, he's lying!"   "We have to make up for our mistakes don't we, and you thought your little guardian could stay hidden forever? Well now that I know who she is I'm closer to making my wish come true!!!"

                         2 days later  

Marinette woke up happy and very well but as she got up she had a phone call. It was Alya! She picks up the phone and says "ohh, hi Alya. What's up?"  "I'm doing good, Marinette just called to check on you and we got 20 minutes to get to school so eat breakfast and hurry before we miss the bus!" Alya replied. Marinette quickly took a shower,got dressed,brushed her teeth and ran all the way downstairs and ate eggs, toast, sausages and had some water to help her wake up. "Marinette, you must really want to go to school this fast huh? Is it because Adrian is coming?" Sabian asked while giggling. "What!? No, he's just my buddy now!" Marinette yells in panic while blushing. "Ok then, but you seem red while saying that, and you better get to school." Sabian Said while smiling. Marinette then looks at her phone and is going to be late. She gasped and ran all the way outside then caught up with Alya, her BFF walking to school since she was going to be late too. 


Marinette walked up and said "hi"  So did Alya waving back and they walked together to school and they had a very serious conversation on what happened 2 days ago. "Alya, have you heard what has happened not to long-ago? Me and Cat noir fought an akumatized villain but somehow they had a miraculous on them,but we didn't find the miraculous anywhere." Marinette explains. "Yeah I did,  it was on the news and I was confused after words. Maybe that was  Monarch's surprise attack, but it doesn't make sense…. Maybe he used the miraculous of the dog to fetch the miraculous so in case a villain loses he yells fetch and gets it back." Alya suggested. "I Don't think so, I wouldn't have seen the ball at first."  Both of the girls were confused but they finally made it to school and got upstairs to their class. Their teacher, Mrs. Foster, was waiting.  "Ohh, Marinette and Alya, glad you made it, I have an announcement to make about your future." The kids sat down and Mrs.foster started her announcement while at her desk. "So,as y'all all know the end of the school year is coming soon and your parents are coming to the teacher conference later today while you guys are at lunch, does anyone have any questions?"  "I do! Adrian said while raising his hand."  "Yes Adrian?" Mrs.T Foster replied. "Do you think I could try and see if my father would come to the conference? I really need him to come so I can decide my future." Adrian asked in fear. "Sure thing Adrian, but your father usually never answers his phone and I don't have a file from him." Mrs.Foster replied while looking down. "Oh…. I see"  Adrian says with a sigh. "Well.. I guess I'll have to let my father decide my future as usual…." Adrian gets very sad and  looks down at the table with nothing better to think and feels like all hope is lost. "No,no Adrian, that doesn't mean we can't help you. I'm sure he will show up if you go talk to him after gym class" Mrs. Foster suggested.  Adrian then has a smile and thinks maybe he can finally get the Future he wants. He agrees that he will go talk to his father about his future and see if he will allow him to decide his future, so that's what Adrian will do to try and finally have a future he wants since he first came to school 8 months ago. After the conversation, the kids start their day off with an amazing start with a few of their classes and had a great time in gym class then after Adrian went home to tell his father that he really needs him to come to the teacher conference so Adrian called his bodyguard, Val to come pick him up and go talk to his father, he went to the car that was outside the school and drove back to the mansion a few blocks away to finally talk to his father at last….

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