chapter 3 (part 1)

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Chapter 3 destruction the failure of a guardian

Part 1

After the triumphant victory of our heroes, everything seemed to return to normal—no more fights, no more battles, and no more people getting hurt. Or so we thought. Shadow Moth has other plans for our heroes and intends to do something unprecedented. This marks the beginning of a grand war involving the miraculous, with the fate of the Dimensions resting in the hands of our heroes. They must confront Shadow Moth and safeguard the secrets of the miraculous. Or so we thought...

After the grand battle.

Doggy gets up and gives Willow a hug, followed by Kacey and everyone else. "We all make mistakes, but what counts is getting through them and moving on. And that's what Willow plans to do—change," Willow says. "Thank you guys so much for this. But I think I should be returning to my home... I have a cure to find," she adds, wanting to leave.

"But Willow, don't you think you're rushing things?" Ladybug asks. "I understand why you want to find the cure so badly, but remember, we must work together as a team if we want to succeed."

"Yeah, Ladybug is right!" Doggy adds. "If we work together, we can stop the man behind this and save everyone!"

Everyone agrees and continues their conversation. Meanwhile, Shadow Moth has other ideas in mind after his defeat...

Izir's master plan....

Izir went into his large basement and found his dead wife inside a flower pod the size of her body. He walked up to it and looked down, feeling upset with himself. "Ladybug... once I have those jewels, you'll disappear forever!" he vowed.

Duusu mentioned her uncertainty about his actions, reminding him there would be a price to pay if he made the wish. "You think I'm going to give up on what I've been doing for eight months now?!" Izir yelled. "I swear I'll get revenge on Ladybug once and for all! And when I do, she'll have nothing left! I just need a way to get all the heroes into my trap..."

Nooroo suddenly had a vision where Ladybug had lost. Despite trying to ignore it, the vision haunted her, prompting her to speak up. "Master, you need to stop this madness. My miraculous cannot be used for evil. Look at what you've done before—you almost destroyed all of humanity just to save your wife. You have to let her—"

Izir, enraged, grabbed Nooroo and silenced her within seconds, using his control over the two kwamis with the spell book. He then took the elevator back up to his laboratory, searching for more answers to complete his grand plan.

"Well, we should get going," Kacey says. "It's getting late, and I really need my beauty sleep before Doggy, Willow, and I set off to find the cure." Ladybug agrees, and they all say their goodbyes. Zen teleports the three back home, while Ladybug and Cat Noir head to their homes as well. Both of them went to bed and fell asleep after a long mission, ready for a new day. Or so they thought...

The next day...

"Plagg... where did you put my toothbrush?" Adrian asked while searching all over the bathroom.

"Oops, sorry, I was using it to keep my teeth clean!" Plagg smiles sheepishly, still having stinky breath.

"Plagg... you are sometimes just hard to deal with, especially with this cheese you love so much," Adrian complains.

"Sorry, kid, I just love camembert cheese so much! You'll like it, trust me."

"Yeah, maybe later. But right now, we need to get to my meeting class soon. My father, of course, wants me to take this path, but I don't like it at all. Somehow, I just can't say no to him." Plagg gives Adrian a reassuring hug, encouraging him to be confident and learn to stand up for himself.

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