Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Action- Family unite

WARNING! this chapter is long for a good reason but it will be worth it.

As we get closer to young reader, you'll need to understand the dramatic conclusions that come with it. Adrian has now had the confidence to confess to Marinette but will he ever if Marinette keeps making excuses why she rejects him. Adrian is very heartbroken by this but will this simple change of act stop him from losing feelings for Marinette? Well let's find out now and explore the possibilities we have left…

"Oh… great, we lost sight of the main timeline and now we are stuck here!" Violet explains in a panic and glanced at Bunnies watch and asked "hey, your time watch is beeping. Something must've happened to it." Bunny notices her watch beeping and she takes it off her waste and takes a closer look at it. As she takes a closer look… the watch then turns purple with dark ink and Bunny reacts fast and throws it to the ground and gets in front of violet to protect her. "Bunny…. The insolence watches your every move and will for eternity and your fearless mind will soon enter wine…." The voice then disappeared after I spoke it's dark monologue and the watch turned back into its regular fashion and it seemed like nothing happened. "W-what in the heck was that?" Violet asked curiosity after processing what the mysterious voice said to both Bunny and her. "Whatever it was… it seemed like my watch must have been bugged by that ink, Mr. P even had some on him, even on his left eye and it's covered by his one glass case that he wears to work everyday ever since he gave the potion to his wife…" Violet then realized that something was fishy but since the watch was functioning again Bunny put it back on and it worked… something strange was going on because this wasn't the first time she was hearing the whispers.


Izir made his way to his wife's coma and touched it and started to get a bit emotional at first and finally spoke. "My love, I'm trying everything I can just to bring you back… Adrian needs you and I can't bear him feeling sad without you. I'm not the best parent ever like you were, but if I can just get my hands on the miraculous… I can finally make that wish and we can be a happy family again… Like I used to be ever since our little angel was born." Nooroo stayed silent next to Izir, thinking it's best to not say anything to upset him. Izir walks away out the basement and into his layer and waits for negative emotions once more. As that was all going down as usual in the very quiet Mansion, Adrian the sunshine boy who dreams about Marinette and either for her to be his awesome Girlfriend but With the expectations of some strange force, how can he really be with Marinette if she's rejecting him and doesn't seem interested? The question remains but with Marinette's new big elation crush on Cat noir, it gets more difficult for her to even love a hero. But she doesn't bother and just keeps ranting about how hot,cute,smart,and handsome he is.

                    A few minutes earlier
"Marinette dupain cheng…." Alya replied as she gave Marinette the most puzzled look you'll see. "So… if you're really going to love Cat noir, then what will you do?"  Marinette blushed and replied with full confidence, "Well my friend, it's pretty self explanatory. If he says yes to me then we will go out for ice cream at Andrea's!! And one day we'll get Married and have three little angels and own a nice big home for our family and have a big, chubby, adorable hamster na-"  Alya shakes Marinette, stopping her from talking and said "Gurl…. Cat noir is a hero and doesn't have time for love and the worst part is-" Sabian called Alya and Marinette downstairs and the two went down and Fluff and Tikki stayed and just watched TV.

Just outside the delicious bakery a Knight that came out of a blue portal sneaks out and just looks around and the portal opens back and the knight disappears and it remains a mystery where the knight ended up in.

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