Chapter 9

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                  Chapter 9, Elation. What If Marinette and Cat noir were to be together?

Warning: this chapter will be longer than It should be but I hope you enjoy this chapter prepared for! Good luck!

Marinette has had enough of hiding her deepest secret from Cat noir since the very beginning. She wishes to show her Elation and Adoration and finally shoot her shot and she hopes for the love of her will accept her as his girlfriend and maybe future wife.... But then, what if they were to work out but not in the way you expected it to be?....

"Mullo, you're power is now mine!" Monarch command and Mullos cage flies over to Monarch and he obsorbs the mouse energy and he transfers the miraculous power to Copy cat.

"Cat noir! Distract her and I'll sneak up!" Ladybug suggested. "Got it!" Cat noir replied and jumps all over the many Ca noir clones and punched each one and flies in the air with joy. Ladybug looked up and her cheeks blushed and punk budfles surrounded Cat noir in her eyes as he flues in slow motion and his lips smile. Ladybug lost focus and one of the Cats hits Ladybug into a trashcan! Cat noir cataclysms the miraculous Ring the Cat had and it wasn't the real one. Cat noir looks around but there were 12 other clones, it be impossible to find the real one. "You ok Ladybug?" Cat noir asked helping Ladybug up and brushes the dirt of. "Yeah b- I MEAN,KITTY!" Cat noir had a puzzled look but he pat her shoulders and they got back to work and the two worked really well and soon enough they defeated copy Cat and the day was saved. "Nice one Ladybug!" Cat noir completed. Ladybug says "Thank you" and smiles and the two head up to the roof tops and do their pond it.

                      The Offer for Dinner?

"Job well dome my lady, we really do make a great team! But I'll need to get going-" As Cat noir jumped but Ladybug stops Cat noir and tells him to wait and pulls out her table and It had cookies and two nice ice water. "TAAADAAA, Two snake service just for two, such an amazing way to celebrate right?" Ladybug says with a wink and puts her hand on the table and Cat noir smiled. "Ohhhhhh that's wonderful My Lady, but I'm gonna detrasform soon and it's getting late" Cat noir showed Ladybug his ring as it has 3 paws left but Ladybug started to plead and just wanted Cat noir to stay just for a bit and Cat noir finally agreed and the two sat down enjoying their nice snack. "Sooo kitty, I have been meaning to ask, do you think I'm amazing?" Ladybug asked with a smiling face hoping Cat noir will say yes. "Yeah! You're the amazing Ladybug that everyone loves. You're the best!" Cat noir replied. "Awwww, thanks kitty, you're just as amazing but better!" Ladybug said. Cat noir smiled and they keep eating cookies and all the water was gone. "Thank you so much for the meal Ladybug, I hope we can do this again but now I really gotta go!" Ladybug holds Cat noir's shoulders without hesitation and kisses his cheek four times and tried to kiss his lips but Cat noir backed away a little uncomfortable. "W-what are doing?" Cat noir asked with a open eye. "Oh- I uhh just wanted to give you a peak goodbye I uhhh- I mean you can go now!" Cat noir felt bad and asked if everything was ok, but Ladybug walked away and wanted to be alone so Cat noir left the scene and was confused but he thinks that Ladybug is hiding something...
Ladybug hides behind a pillar abs detrasforms in sadness and Tikki saw everything and was already knowing what was about to happen. "Marinette, i know how you feel. Take your time, I'm sure idle go better!" Marinette just stays quiet and feed Tikki and just went home and just needed to calm down meanwhile Cat noir went home and tried to process everything that just happened.

    On the City street at the outside dinner

Adrian was walking down the street and decided he wanted to get some lunch so he makes his way to the outside dinner place and he looks at the beautiful sign as it shines. "Mericle M" was the name of the place and Adrian placed his order (and some camembert cheese.....) The women asked for money and Adrian gave it to her and Adrian sat down enjoying his meal and gave plagg the camembert cheese he wanted and Adrian was scolling on his phone since he didn't really know whst to do. "Soooooo, do you think Ladybug is in love with you?" Plagg asked while searching for more cheese in Adrian's bag. "Ummm... I don't think so, remember she wasn't in love with me and I just had to give up, besides I'm in love with Marinette..." Plagg just stayed silent and went back to eating his lunch munching it down one by one. Marinette was with her friend Lily, walking around the street Adrian was ealier and Marinette noticed Adrian eating his lunch and she got a little scared and Lily noticed her walked in front of her. "Is Everything ok Marinette? Aren't you happy Adrian is right there?"  "Well I uhh- well. Maybe another time I'll-"  "MARINETTE!"  Adrian yelled waving at Marinette and offered her a nice Boba tea and Marinette was in shock so Iily pushed Marinette towards Adrian and Marinette was thirsty anyway and she drank the tea and she was excited that it was good and Adrian smiled and blushed and Lily giggled in silence and Marinette did kinda blushed but she didn't want to say much and really only Adrian and Marinette talked as "Friends"  "Marinette, I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time and I know it wasn't the right time but I wanted to say-"  "OH, I UHHHH I NEED TO GO NOW BYYYE I HAVE WORK TO DO!" Marinette jumped up and dragged Lily and the two leave and Adrian starts to feel droopy and he finished his lunch abd walked away but as soon as he did, many fans started surrounding him!

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