Chapter 3 (part 2, final part)

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         The failure of a guardian   Part 2

All the heroes gathered around ready for action,Ladybug stands in front along with Portal master. "Ok team, so we have two enemies to deal with, and we need to act fast!" Ladybug explains pointing at the scene on the table. Everyone agrees and all get their weapons, Ready for a brutal fight and Master Zen  opens the portal to dimension 1 where Paris is located. And they set off to fight the evil Cat and Robot from tarolizin the city for good only to realize they will have a surprise


Shadow moth watches the destruction go down in the city from the eiffel tower, everyone is screaming in fear with no sign of Ladybug or Cat noir. "What do we do!?" A man says running for his life and he finds his wife but he gets trapped in a purple bubble and flouts to the skies leaving the wife and the child scared so they decide to run to a nearby allway and wait until the destruction is over. In the distance a huge, purple portal forms on top of a city building near the Eiffel tower. All the heroes show up and are very surprised by the destruction around them. "This is unbelievable!" Cat noir says surprised. "Yeah. Why would Anyone do such a terrible thing to these innocent people?" Vesperia added. Ladybug looks around and looks on top of the Eiffel tower and sees Shadow moth laughing at the destruction going on and she turns around to the hero's saying " guys,look up there" Everyone looks at the Eiffel tower and they spot Shadow moth as well."Ok here's the plan, Dog hunter, Cat noir, your with me, Vesperia and Purple tigress, take on puss-in-boost. Everyone else, fight that robot and report back  here once you've defeated the others." Everyone agrees and they all set off and fight the villains. Penny has a moment and worries that something is just very off about this attack. But she just ignores it and heads to Robo moth's direction. And grabs her sword and WAKS him off 50 meters into the air and drop kicks him in the air then does 50 punches into the face but Robo moth resists and zaps Penny, setting her flying!! Mega rooster yells "SUBLIMATION, POWER OF SUPER SIZE!" Meha rooster grows taller than a city building and grabs Robo moth about to crush him up but as he looks into Robo moth's eyes, Robo moths eyes glow red and he shrinks Mega rooster back into his normal size! Now Robo moth is huge and tried stomping on Mega Rooster but luckily polymouse was there just in time. "Multitude!" Polymouse yells and creates three copies of herself and one of the grabs Mega rooster while the other two fight back  back

                       Race to the top

Cat noir races up the Eiffel tower along with Ladybug and Dog hunter as well and Shadow moth notices them and says "OH WE WILL SEE WHO WILL GET THIS VICTOR!!" Shadow moth opens his cane and creates a swarm of DARK BUTTERFLIES and moves his hands left and right and throws all the dark butterflies sprightly at Ladybug and Cat noir, along with Dig hunter!! Cat noir gasp and throws his staff while dogging a swarm of butterflies and Ladybug follows while swinging her yo-yo covering up the disaster in front of her. Dog hunter follows along but gets really nervous but she just believes I'm herself and Cat noir still leads the way to the top of the tower but was almost caught by the butterfly swarm that he loses balance and starts to fall! "Kitty!!!" Ladybug calls and jumps down and throws her yo-yo to save Cat noir and luckily did
Dog hunter still runs to the top of the Tower and the others follow but Shadow had enough fun and games and he sends Eiffel tower parts towards Dog hunter making it hard to see. Shadow moth just watches the destruction and enjoying everyone in pain and believes he won this fight,but does he?

                  Watch out for Electro-Cat!!

"Vesperia dodges and flips around  the destruction bubbles and tries to find a way to get close to the tall Cat but nothing is working! Purple tigress lifted her left hand where her Miraculous is and it glows  orange, yellow and red and she clinched it and yelled "CLOUT!!". Purple tigress jumps into the AIR, and flies down right towards Electro-Cat at lightning speed!! And punches the ground so hard it sends Electro-Cat FLYING into AIR!! Vesperia flies  into the air and yells "VENOM!" and her right hand turns into a bee sting that will paralyze Electro-Cat. She tries to pearlized him but Electro-Cat smiles and punches Vesperia back and he Flies down and grabs her right hand where he venom is and tries to make Vesperia paralyze herself!! "No!"  Purple tigress yells and yells clout again and punches Electro-Cat away and rescues Vesperia and takes her  somewhere safe while the other heros take on Electro-Cat for now. This battle was more tough than everyone thought, Shadow moth must have really leveled up a lot after his last attack.

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