Chapter 12

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                Chapter 12, Perfection. Penny's distorted memories

"Looks like you guys made it out!" Mr. P added as the hero's and Bunny,Violet and Penny where with Ladybug and Cat noir. Ladybug starts to feel a bit sick,weakened,and her eyes become tired. "I... I don't feel too well...." Cat noir and everyone turns to Ladybug and they froze. "Are you ok M'lady?" Ladybug tried to speak but something was preventing her from standing up and she faints to the floor and everyone freaks out. Cat noir holds Ladybug and is worried about what happened and turns to Bunny. "What happened to her!? Is there a way we can get medical help ASAP!?" Cat noir added as he. Panics he can't even think. Bunny turns to Violet and they know where they can take Ladybug and that's the hospital just Down the street! "Take Ladybug with you and follow us, Mr.p will give us a cure for her once we reach the hospital!" Bunny insisted. Penny and Violet head off to the hospital and Cat noir rushes off to make sure Ladybug was ok, she was breathing but she was unconscious by something or someone....

As  Cat noir busted down the hospital doors Bunny led Cat noir to Ladybug's room and CA placed her on the bed gently. He panics and shakes around and  knows what to think, Bunny and Mr.p get straight to work and they find something within Ladybug... the infection symptoms but she's not infected by it and seems fine. "She just needs rest Cat noir, don't worry" Bunny explains while giving Ladybug pills and ice cubes on her head to heal the flaming headache and they wait for 3 hours but as that was going on... the Hospital was still infested with infected doctors and scientists who are dead, infected, and roam the halls of the dark Hospital. Mr.p on the other hand was missing and Bunny noticed. She looks around but doesn't know where he went and gets a suspicious feeling that something isn't right with this...  Why would Mr.p disappear without no one knowing?

As the 2 hours went by, Ladybug should wake up one hour from her unconscious condition.... As that was unfolding, Bunny was holding off many infected doctors who had saws and deadly weapons they used during surgery or emergency treatments. It seemed like something Wasn't right with this Hospital since it was quiet when they got there.

                   Penny's mind

Penny,gazing up the night sky as she sits on the bench outside the hospital... Her memories soon come back and remembers her very joyful Family. Sweet,calm, and always do everything for each other in any given situation. Penny remembers as a younger girl,playing tag with her brother gorgie outside in the backyard,warm and sunny as the two kids played and laughed and did everything together. During Dinner,the family always prays for their meal and thank God for the food provided to them. Georgie was always happy and sometimes lost at times but Penny was his guide to learning new things he never thought he understood. Penny during school days had many close friends she had the best time with... Until the next night, everything changed,Penny lost everything and her family along with it and lived her life in the woods for Eight months but didn't struggle for food and water.

Just as Penny thinks on her mind,it becomes pitch black, Portals surrounded her that were line full and purple with creepy whispers all around her. "Where am I? Penny questioned as she looked around and noticed Portals that open to places she's been to but one of them was familiar... "That's the hospital me and my Brother were- i... I remember now.... But I wonder what's inside? I'll go check it out" Penny suggested. "Maybe Gorgie could be in here, but I better be careful in case..."

Penny walks slowly inside the Portal and enters the Hospital but she was in the Hospital just now but this was from the past, Eight months ago. "Wait.. Is that me?" Penny asked as she turned the Corner and peaked with her head and saw Gorgie getting hurt by Willow,falling to the ground and weakened... "oh.... I remember what happened,I left Gorgie there and Mr.p found him..." Penny takes a step forward but Gorgie can't see the Future Penny, only her past self and she looked up without hesitation and noticed Mr.P  walking up to Gorgie with an evil smirk on his face and watched them talk to each other. Penny tried to talk to them to stop her brother  from trusting the selfish Potato but they can't hear Penny. She taps Georgie's shoulders but it was no use, Penny's body glowed Purple as she touched Georgie's shoulder and she heard a very creepy laugh... "You're just the spectator Penny... Don't think you can change the past" Penny looked around,frightened of who's speaking to her. Something or someone messing with her memories. "It's all my fault... I was the reason Gorgie got infected and as a result,he's gone..." Penny starts to get tears running through her face,struggling to be strong as she watches Gorgie drink the green Potion Mr.p gave to him. "Thanks Mr.p" Gorgie thanked and got up. "No problem kiddo,but I must get going,good luck!" Mr.p walked off into the hallways and Penny decided to follow him. But she then is stopped by a purple portal. "Where is this going to take me?" Penny walked inside and now she was in the streets of London, the clock tower is still running. It was empty but she could notice it was infected around and as she turned around,Ladybug,Cat noir and her were walking together. "Wait... I remember this moment! This was-well... The first time I met them."

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