Rank Aleph One & Greater Foundation

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After finally breaking through to the Aleph Null Rank(Countable Infinity) I was finally able to make friends. 

Their names were Amin who was the laidback one but he would stick with you and never betray you. And Verrill who was like that friend you could rely on for everything but would also keep you in line making sure you don't do something stupid or something you would regret.

Amin that most Integrity entities hadn't fully mastered all of the powers of the negative dimensions below the IntegritySphere and the lowest level as well so he can increase the efficiency and power within himself within these lower dimensions so his current self becomes unrivaled at the same level. It's is rumored the First Integrity entity in the IntegritySphere has masters it to the Full Fledged Integrity realm, on the other hand I am in the Novice Realm of this skill/training method. This realization alone but I remembered the promise I amaze too myself a long time ago. I would no longer suffer because of others, If anyone tries it I will make them suffer. You are filled with Integrity. Your Integrity is now completely pure once more breaking through at a even greater rate.

Verrill taught me how to increase the upper limit of his previous ranks limits from Aleph Null to Aleph One. I am also at the Novice Level with this skill/Training method.

My proficiency with these two skill/Training methods are passively improving because my avatars are training these skills.

I also use my replication via Integrity and Bones and many other abilities this allows his Integrity to progress even faster. Gravity Absorption was an ability I picked up to offset the overwhelming pressure of merely existing in this higher area of the IntegritySphere, this ends up the gravity strengthening his Integrity Rank at an even more exponential rate than before.

The sheer amount of clones I have created and still creating are barely keeping up with the sheer amount of skibidi toilets so they start using the Integrity Plus Blasters to destroy the the infinite amount of toilets that are showing up. Also I have discovered that despite the traps growing more effective & complex the skibidi toilets are now advancing & evolving faster than my traps. This is why I created my clones. And whenever they perish I reassimalate them making my rank improve automatically by 1 Rank per second and this ability stacks because each clone has this ability. 

I improved all of my new skills/training methods from Novice>Advanced Beginner>Competent>Proficient>Master>Full Fledged Master of all of his current skills leading him to advancing to mid Aleph Null Rank.

To further my mastery I began to use my senses I used my Meta Replication and Meta Copy on everyone weaker than me and then Train them all to Full Fledged Mastery but despite this I only attained Rank Mid Peak Aleph Null I continued this training with each and every technique I attained but this wasn't enough but I began improving upon my Osteokinesis by improving the quality of my calcium to my current self gaining another absurd Rank Increase. Eventually this applies to every part of my body gaining Integral Genetic Perfection. And your wondering how can I do this you ask? Well I discovered the ticking time bomb destability didn't apply to me. However, I cannot absorb Cosmic Essence or Nexus Code. I Instead have too make my own version of each which are Integral Nexus Code which was far beyond the original which wasn't hard for my current self at all. And Integral Cosmic Essence while initially more powerful it didn't have anywhere near the peak of the original which I was still working on.

Nevertheless I completed the first accomplishment of another part of the technique which was granting me an infinite amount of cells yet using my mastery of space due to my Full Fledged telekinesis/Gravity Mastery to remain the same size and shape as before. This inevitably progressed to all of my molecules to a far higher number, then the atomic level with even more absurd numbers for that and even quarks to an unknown number.

Murder Time Trio+Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ