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"Are you seriously going to do nothing?!" Asmo's chest heaved up and down from his sprint to the kitchen. They covered their mouth to stifle their laughter at his appearance. He was in a sanrio theme dressing gown with a matching headband that pushed his hair back so that it didn't come into contact with the avocado face mask.

"Asmo, you got a little something on your face-" He grabbed the snarky Levi's collar causing pieces of his avocado mask to fling onto his face.

"I'm not in the mood..." Asmo's uncontrollable anger almost exploded until yet another muffled scream echoed across the house. The 4 of them, excluding the sleeping beauty, looked over at the strangely calm Lucifer.

Lucifer continued sipping his coffee in an unbothered manner, his posture comfortable as his legs were crossed. "What do you want me to do?"

"What you usually do, scare the shit out of him!"


Asmo's left eye began to twitch. "NO--" Beel restrained the growingly feral Asmo in fear of unnecessary confrontation. The last thing they needed was yet another argument in the House of Lamentation.

"So you're telling me that Mammon's crying and bad singing to sad music isn't pissing you off?" Lucifer shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant manner.

"I know you're acting like this to impress your boyfriend but--"

"Lord Diavolo is NOT my boyfriend"

"Did I ever say his name?"

Lord Diavolo had recently expressed his concern for Lucifer's mental health due to his constant stress and anger towards his brothers. "If you're so annoyed why don't you go yell at him yourselves, I'm not your parents..."

"he doesn't listen to us"


The brothers had almost lost faith in their happiness until... they heard glass shattering. Lucifer's porcelain white cup with light coffee stains was in pieces across the coffee table. "is that--"

"Another Monstki song?"

Lucifer threw the remaining shard causing the end of his blazer to loudly swish. "MAMMON!"

"There he is..." Levi said with a light chuckle.

"I knew he wouldn't last long--"

"Guys." Asmo's chillingly serious tone caught their attention.

"Lucifer hasn't gotten angry in almost a week..." Horror filled their eyes. It was abnormal for the avatar of pride to not get angry every 3 hours... let alone a whole week. The accumulated anger... would not end well. With gazes, they made a mutual agreement and swiftly exited the prior residence, now a war zone.



The abrupt words cause the metallic chopsticks to collide against the table leaving small parts of residue from the noodle's sauce. "Shit-- sorry Kyle" he frantically wiped at the white table before awkwardly smiling up at her.

"Don't be sorry, some chemicals should get it out"

"Are you alright?" she sighed at his genuine concern, he was her roommate that accidentally became a close friend.

"You've been out of it for the last few days..."

She suddenly stood up catching him off guard. "Do you believe in ghosts?"


"Devils or angels?"

"Do you hear yourself?"

"Just ignore me..."

"As I always do," He couldn't help but sigh at her sad expression before he sat beside her. "You didn't hear this from me... but my aunt claims to be able to speak to the supernatural"


He tutted loudly making her flinch. "I'm not feeding into your delusions, I'm telling you so you can see how crazy she is and snap back to reality, understood?"

She nodded continuously. "It's just curiosity Kyle, don't worry"

"Maybe do stuff that doesn't make me worry first"

Lucifer exhaled deeply before patting the dust off of his sleeve.

"In all seriousness... why don't you just buy them a new camera as a replacement?"

Mammon sat on the floor stunned. His skin across his body stung from the numerous beatings. His body felt limp from possible broken bones. "You couldn't have said that earlier!?"

"No. I really couldn't, you were due a proper beating ever since you came back from the human realm-- none of this would happen if you weren't in continuous debt!"

"Why did you hold back for so long?"

Lucifer suddenly remembered the younger brothers taunting, "That's NONE of your business."

"Can you at least tell me what ticked you off?"

"Your singing."

"What did Monstki do to you?"

"She did nothing wrong, it's what you did to her music."

"You're a fan too?"

"Fandoms are for fools... I simply appreciate the art."


"Come in..." She already regretted this.

"Aunty Helen, you might judge me but--"

"The young devil boy?"

She just stared at the woman completely speechless.

"My dear, how did you get involved with the avatar of greed?"

"So he's not a devil?"

"He is, one of the top devils that resides in the Devildom"

Devildom? She was definitely off the rocket. Even she knew that devils came from hell.

"The second oldest of 7 avatars of sin."

"What do you mean by avatar? Because I'm imagining a bald kid who can air bend" she awkwardly laughed in an attempt to ease the tension building in the room.

"Stay away from him, he aspires to steal away life... and you of all people shouldn't risk that"

A sickening feeling swarmed in her stomach. How on earth did this blind woman figure out so much? She needed to get out of there. As her hand latched onto the door, the woman spoke once more.

"But... he aspires to return soon, with the intent to--"

"How do you know?" her voice lingered with scepticism.

"...Dear, why come here if you don't believe it?"

She felt immediate guilt. Who was she to judge this poor old woman? Especially her friend's elder relative. "I apologise Aunty Helen..."

"Ask me what you really want to"

"Do you... see visions?"

"Well, I cannot see anything as I am blind." the woman chuckled to herself before becoming serious in the span of a blink. "I have nothing else to say... just heed acknowledgement to my warnings"

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